Dave Madden's "7 GUIs" Takehome Assignment


Create the first 6 of the 7 GUIs using React+Typescript

The GUIs

In order of increasing complexity/difficulty!

The Counter

The basic React counter.

The Temperature Converter

This works, but if I were pushing this to prod I'd come back and refactor to using one hook and one changeHandler.

The Flight Booker

The Timer!

I would like to revisit this with a custom hook (more flexible) like in this blog post


UPDATE and DELETE only enabled if a NAME in the NAMELIST is selected.

When a name is selected, it populates the Inputs, where it can be UPDATED or DELETED. If text is modified, but CREATE is pressed, will create a new NAME.

At any point, pressing CREATE (as long as the inputs are not empty) takes the content of the Inputs, CREATES a new NAME in the NAMELIST, and deselects (which empties the Inputs.)

The FILTER INPUT filters the array for NAMES that match the text in the FILTER INPUT

Circle Drawer

Click to place a circle. Click a circle again to resize.

Make a bunch of changes and test out undo-redo!