This little tool provides a Plex Webhook server which along with a ISY controller will automatically control your theater lighting.
Edit app.js to enter your ISY credentials. Start the service Set up a plex webhook to point at the service Start a movie to get your plex client uuid Register your plex client in config.js, set which lights you want controlled and at what levels
"plexWebhookPort": 90,
"isyAddress": "",
"isyUsername": "admin",
"isyPassword": "admin",
"plexClients": [
"uuid": "abc123",
"isyNodeName": "Theatre Lights",
"playLightLevel": 25,
"stopLightLevel": 180,
"resumeLightLevel": 25,
"pauseLightLevel": 80
], [{...next plex client...}]
- Requires Node.JS & NPM
- Install forever, forever-service to run an a system service
- Clone to your folder
- Run npm install
- Use node.js to run app.js.
- Once configuered, use forever-service to install as a system service.
Licensed under MIT