A thin layer for SoapClient
exposing a cleaner API for manipulating the request/response XML documents for SOAP calls.
* Extend this class and override the require method(s), then use as a drop-in replacement for SoapClient
abstract class \DaveRandom\HookableSoapClient\SoapClient extends \SoapClient
* When overridden in a child class, this method is called before a request is generated from the arguments
* used to invoke the SOAP call. Modifications to the passed Call object will be reflected in the request
* that is generated.
protected void onBeforeCall(CallData $callData);
* When overridden in a child class, this method is called before a request is sent to the remote server.
* Modifications to the passed Request object will be reflected in the request that is sent.
protected void onBeforeRequest(Request $request);
* Send the request to the server and retrieve the response. Can be overridden in a child class to implement
* a custom transport mechanism. Must return an XML document, or null if the request does not generate a
* response.
protected string|\DOMDocument|null onRequest(Request $request);
* When overridden in a child class, this method is called after the response is recieved, and before the
* data is processed by the SOAP extension. Modifications to the passed Response object will be reflected
* in the generation of the return value of the underlying SOAP call.
protected void onResponse(Response $response);
* When overridden in a child class, this method is called when the response recieved from the server could
* not be parsed as an XML document. The return value will be processed by the SOAP extension as if it were
* the data returned by the server.
protected ?string onResponseParseFailed(string $responseData, Request $request, \LibXMLError $error);
* When overridden in a child class, this method is called after the result data is generated from the
* response. Must return the result data that should be passed back to the caller.
protected mixed onAfterCall(mixed $result, Response $response, SoapHeaderArray $responseHeaders);
* Represents the data used to invoke SoapClient#__soapCall(), or an indirect call via a named service method
* invocation.
* Modifications made in SoapClient#onBeforeCall() will be reflected in the XML document generated for the
* resulting SOAP request.
final class \DaveRandom\HookableSoapClient\CallData
* Get the name of the SOAP function used to invoke the call.
public string getFunctionName();
* Set the name of the SOAP function used to invoke the call.
public $this setFunctionName(string $functionName);
* Get the arguments passed when invoking the call.
public CallArguments getArguments();
* Get the options passed when invoking the call.
public CallOptions getOptions();
* Get the SOAP headers passed when invoking the call.
public SoapHeaderArray getInputHeaders();
and SoapHeaderArray
inherit from \ArrayObject
, thus modifications can be made directly to
these objects.
* Represents the data passed to the $options argument of SoapClient#__soapCall().
* Modifications made in SoapClient#onBeforeCall() will be reflected in the XML document generated for the
* resulting SOAP request.
final class \DaveRandom\HookableSoapClient\CallOptions
* Get the target URI for the request.
public ?string getLocation();
* Set the target URI for the request.
public $this setLocation(?string $location);
* Get the target namespace URI for the XML document generated for the request.
public ?string getTargetNamespaceUri();
* Set the target namespace URI for the XML document generated for the request.
public $this setTargetNamespaceUri(?string $targetNamespaceUri);
* Get the SOAP action for the request.
public ?string getAction();
* Set the SOAP action for the request.
public $this setAction(?string $action);
* Represents the data used to construct a SOAP request, after the arguments for the call have been used to
* generate an XML document. Modifications that are made in SoapClient#onBeforeRequest() will be reflected in
* the data that is passed to SoapClient#onRequest().
final class \DaveRandom\HookableSoapClient\Request
* Get the DOMDocument that represents the XML that will be sent in the body of the request.
public \DOMDocument getDocument();
* Set a new DOMDocument that represents the XML that will be sent in the body of the request.
public $this setDocument(\DOMDocument $document);
* Determine whether the request has a defined (not null) target URI.
public bool hasUri();
* Get the target URI.
public ?string getUri();
* Set the target URI.
public $this setUri(?string $uri);
* Determine whether the request has a defined (not null) SOAP action.
public bool hasAction();
* Get the SOAP action.
public ?string getAction();
* Set the SOAP action.
public $this setAction(?string $action);
* Get the SOAP version.
public int getVersion();
* Set the SOAP version.
public $this setVersion(int $version);
* Determine whether the underlying SoapClient is expecting a non-empty response document.
public bool isResponseExpected();
* Get the CallData object associated with this request.
* Modifications made to the call data associated with a Request instance will have no effect.
public CallData getCallData();
final class \DaveRandom\HookableSoapClient\Response
* Determine whether the response has a defined (not null) XML document.
public bool hasDocument();
* Get the response XML document.
public ?\DOMDocument getDocument();
* Set the response XML document.
public void setDocument(?\DOMDocument $document);
* Get the Request object associated with the response.
public Request getRequest();