
Bot for the M9 Discord server

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Bot for the M9 Discord server


  • Set your birthday to get birthday notifications: post a message on Discord with the format set birthday YYYY-MM-DD. The bot will reply if your message was successfully added.
  • List all upcoming birthdays my posting the following message on Discord: list birthdays.
  • Pin messages by reacting with the 📌 emoji (may not work great for older messages)
  • Emoji react to the message in the set roles channel to self assign certain roles.
  • [Admins only] Add a role that users can self assign with add_self_service_role [tag the role here] [emoji for the role] [description]


Installing dependencies

Just run npm install or npm i

Discord bot token

If the bot user has already been set up by someone else, ask for them to send you a copy of config.json and copy it to the root of this git repository.

First time setup - create a new application on the Discord developer portal, and create a Bot user for that application. Generate a new token for your bot. Make sure the bot has the 'Presence Intent' permission enabled.

Next copy config.template.json to config.json, and paste your bot's token into the JSON blob.

Create a blank birthdays.json in root dir so that tests can write to it.

Grab the channel ID for the channel you want the bot to post birthday messages to (Enable developer mode in Discord to easily access channel IDs), and add that to the config file as well.

Running in development mode

Run npm run dev to launch in nodemon with hot reloading of code

Running tests

Run npm test to run the tests. Check test coverage with npm run coverage


First time setup

These instructions are based on my experience deploying the bot to a Raspberry Pi. Different systems will probably require a bit of trial and error.

Create a system service: Create a file at /etc/systemd/system/m9bot.service, containing the following:

Description=M9 Discord bot service

ExecStart=/home/pi/.nvm/versions/node/v15.11.0/bin/node /home/pi/m9bot/dist/src/main.js


Next, run the script npm run deploy --server=pi@<raspberrypi IP Address>, to run the automated deploy script. You'll want to have set up your SSH keys to allow passwordless access to the Pi if possible. See deploy.sh to better understand what the script does.

Copy config Copy the config file config.json to ~/m9bot/dist/config.json on the Raspberry Pi.

Set the service to run at startup Run sudo systemctl enable m9bot to make the service run when the Pi starts up.

Check logs Run journalctl -u m9bot -b to see the service logs.

Updating the deployment Running npm run deploy --server=pi@<raspberrypi IP Address> again should automatically update the deployment on the Pi to the version you have locally.