
This is a hacked version of openwhisk for implementing direct message passing among serverless functions. Forked version: https://github.com/apache/incubator-openwhisk/tree/7ecae176c4c02fa789cee644dc24eee1317c0256

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Clone rep:

Under ~/ directory:

git clone git@github.com:YangZhou1997/openwhisk-lambda-mpi.git openwhisk
git clone git@github.com:apache/incubator-openwhisk-cli.git

Machine environment setup:

cd openwhisk

WSK CLI setup

cd openwhisk/ansible

Then you can choose local setup or distributed setup:

Local setup

cd openwhisk/ansible

Note: mysetup_local.sh has only been tested in a bare-metal Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-142-generic x86_64)

Distributed setup

I rent five bare-metal servers from CloudLab each with Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-145-generic x86_64). These five servers are connected with each other using 10GB NIC (Dual-port Intel X520). The specific hardware type is c220g2. The five-server cluster is configured using profile.xml

Here I want to host controller, crouchDB, redis, zookeeper, nginx, and kafka on node-0, and host one invoker on each of the other nodes (ie, node-1~4). The basic setup processure follows Jenkins Pipeline and the OpenWhisk Jenkinsfile.

Machine details:

label host name domain name (inner) ip address
node-0 node-0.mesh-five-nodes.lambda-mpi-pg0.wisc.cloudlab.us node-0.mesh-five-nodes.lambda-mpi-pg0.wisc.cloudlab.us
node-1 node-1.mesh-five-nodes.lambda-mpi-pg0.wisc.cloudlab.us node-1.mesh-five-nodes.lambda-mpi-pg0.wisc.cloudlab.us
node-2 node-2.mesh-five-nodes.lambda-mpi-pg0.wisc.cloudlab.us node-2.mesh-five-nodes.lambda-mpi-pg0.wisc.cloudlab.us
node-3 node-3.mesh-five-nodes.lambda-mpi-pg0.wisc.cloudlab.us node-3.mesh-five-nodes.lambda-mpi-pg0.wisc.cloudlab.us
node-4 node-4.mesh-five-nodes.lambda-mpi-pg0.wisc.cloudlab.us node-4.mesh-five-nodes.lambda-mpi-pg0.wisc.cloudlab.us

Overlay network in Swarm Mode

cd openwhisk/ansible

Setup SSH for ansible

Make sure that each server can ssh to the other four servers vai ssh without password.

Setup private docker registry

From Jenkins Pipeline:

Since we only need to download and build the source code of OpenWhisk on one VM, we need to set up a private docker registry service, so that the docker images we build can be access by other two VMs

On node-0:

cp -r openwhisk/certs ./
cd certs

# generating certificate: fill `node-0.mesh-five-nodes.lambda-mpi-pg0.wisc.cloudlab.us` when requiring the domain id

# setup /etc/docker/certs.d/

# setup docker registry

# distributing certificate to other nodes:

On each of the other nodes, run:

cd certs

Build and deploy openwhisk

cd openwhisk/ansible