Hi, this project is a script for automatic commits every day to the dev branch 😁

👨🏻‍💻 About the project
The project is a script for automatic commits every day to the dev branch, where it is used on linux running in a cron every day, giving the automatic commit with your github SSH key. The project also sends an alert for monitoring the Telegram
  • 🤔 The remote repository must be added as SSH (git@github.com:...)
  • 💻 The id_rsa.pub must be added to your github account

  • First change all project constants

  • Enter the project folder in a terminal and run the command

  • To put this in a cron job type in the terminal
crontab -e
  • To run this script type the following line (In this example, I'll set it to run every day at 11 pm):
0 23 * * * directory/./auto_commit.sh

See too