
Yolo Implementation (v1, v2, v3)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT




  • DarkNet
  • EfficientNet

Custom Data Enchancement method:

  • Normalize
  • Resize
  • RandomHorizontalFlip
  • RandomVerticalFlip

Code structure description

├── cfg                 # The directory where model config file is located (darknet, efficientnet, etc)
├── tests               # Implmentation test cases
├── yolo                # YOLO implementation code bases
│   ├── data            # Base data directory
│   │   ├── datasets    # Contain datasets such as pascal-voc
│   │   └── transforms  # Custom transforms for Dataset
│   ├── models          # Base model directory
│   │   ├── arch        # YOLO model assembly place
│   │   ├── backbones   # All backbone network gathering here
│   │   ├── detectors   # Assembly of all types of detectors
│   │   ├── losses      # The gathering place of all loss functions
│   │   ├── metrics     # Metrics functions for bounding boxes and losses
│   │   └── modules     # Individuals modules for network building
│   └── utils           # Utilites file for visualization and network
