Magic Table

HBot-based 2D CNC machine for different applications.

Repository Structure

(Check out each folder's README file for more info on subfolders)

  • /
    • /doc -> Documentation of FESTO hardware parts and tests performed with the machine
    • /firmware -> Firmware for different embedded devices that that work with the Magic Table
    • /hardware -> Both 3D printable mechanical parts and PCBs for accesories.
    • /software -> Programs to control the Magic Table and use it in different applications.

Applications developed


Draw 2D shapes with an RGB light.

Magic Table

Control different pieces and figures with an electromagnet.



This machine is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Please read the LICENSE files for more details.

Esta maquina tiene una licencia Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Por favor, lea los ficheros LICENSE para más detalles