
A starter template for AI Companions

Primary LanguagePython

AI Companion (Replika / Paradot clone)


How it works


  • We're combining a custom LangChain Chain as our AI Companion agent, and OpenAI Functions Agent as Entity Extractor for entity memory


  • User sends a message to the AI Companion
  • Agent 1 receives the message and respond back with a LangChain LLMChain
  • Agent 2 grabs the message and figures out whether or not it warrants a user profile update
  • User receives a respond from Agent 1. Agent 2 updates the user's data at the same time.

How memory works

  • Messages are kept in a messages_history array in memory.py
  • Old messages are passed into the Agent's prompt but only the last K messages
  • Messages older than K are summarized and stored in summaries, also in memory.py and passed into the prompt
  • User's data (entities memory) is kept in entities dictionary, in memory.py, to provide persistent information about the user. This is what the Agent 2 will update.

Create a new Python virtual environment

python -m venv agent-with-memory (Mac)

py -m venv agent-with-memory (Windows 11)

Activate virtual environment

.\agent-with-memory\Scripts\activate (Windows)

source agent-with-memory/bin/activate (Mac)

Install dependencies

poetry install --sync or poetry install

Setup .env file



py main.py (Windows 11)

python main.py (Mac)