
Custom Deeplabv3+ training

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Custom training with tensorflow's deeplabv3+ implementation as a Google Colab Jupyter notebook

Github File descriptions:

  • deeplab.ipynb
    • jupyter notebook to custom train over a face/hair/background segmentation dataset in google colab
  • celebA_data.ipynb
    • jupyter notebook to preprocess celebA images and masks
  • modified_files/
    • directory that contains tensorflow's files that need to be modified for custom training with deeplab
  • README_images/
    • results images
  • Refined_Hair_Image_Segmentation_poster.pdf
    • poster presented at Cal Poly Pomona's Creative Activities & Research Symposium (CARS)
  • deeplabv3plus_slides.pdf
    • presentation slides about deeplabv3+ and custom detection

Custom Training Steps

  1. Modify tensorflow files with your dataset information
  2. Convert masks to color-indexed images
  3. Create
    • ‘train.txt’ with training image filenames
    • ‘val.txt’ with validation image filenames
    • ‘trainval.txt’ with both
    • NOTE: training images and masks should have the same filename
  4. Create a tfrecord of your dataset using ‘build_voc2012_data.py’
    • Tfrecord = a Tensorflow binary storage format
  5. If using a pre-trained model (transfer learning)
  6. Run ‘train.py’
  7. Run ‘eval.py’ - custom file has miou per class and overall miou
  8. Run ‘vis.py’ - to get segmentation masks
  9. Run ‘export_model.py’ to save your trained ‘frozen_inference_graph.pb’
  10. Use ‘deeplab_demo.ipynb’ with your checkpoint for future inference

These steps can be seen in the deeplab.ipynb jupyter notebook for google colab

Custom Dataset

Preprocessing needs to be done to convert segmentation maps to color-indexed images.

  • 0 = background
  • 1 = hair
  • 2 = skin

Preprocessing LFW - Parts Dataset

The segmentation maps have the following colors converted to

  • blue to 0 = background
  • red to 1 = hair
  • green to 2 = skin

Preprocessing CelebA

The file 'celebA_data.ipynb' does the preprocessing seperate from the 'deeplab.ipynb'. We have to convert to color-indexed image and fix some bad pixels in the image.


Weights for classes:

  • 1, background
  • 10, hair
  • 5, face

10000 iterations: miou

  • class_0: 0.91722
  • class_1: 0.66235
  • class_2: 0.83431
  • mean_iou: 0.8046266666666666

20000 iterations: miou

  • class_0: 0.92631
  • class_1: 0.67995
  • class_2: 0.85498
  • mean_iou: 0.8204133333333333

Good results

Result Curly Good Result Kinky Good Result Straight Good

Bad results

There are some issues with classifying other parts of the skin as face and not getting a complete hair mask.

Result Curly Bad Result Short Bad

Files to change for custom dataset training

Look in the modified_files/ directory to see files I download into deeplab.ipynb

  • train_utils.py
  • data_generator.py
  • eval.py



not_ignore_mask = tf.to_float(tf.not_equal(scaled_labels,


ignore_label_weight = 0
label0_weight = 1           #background
label1_weight = 10          #hair
label2_weight = 5           #skin
not_ignore_mask = tf.to_float(tf.equal(scaled_labels, 0)) * label0_weight +  tf.to_float(tf.equal(scaled_labels, 1)) * label1_weight +  tf.to_float(tf.equal(scaled_labels, 2)) * label2_weight +  tf.to_float(tf.equal(scaled_labels, ignore_label)) * ignore_label_weight 


Add DatasetDescriptor objects

        'train': 5056,  # num of samples in images/training
        'trainval': 5556,
        'val': 500,  # num of samples in images/validation

        'test': 47,

Modify the _DATASETS_INFORMATION with the new DatasetDescriptor objects

    'cityscapes': _CITYSCAPES_INFORMATION,
    'pascal_voc_seg': _PASCAL_VOC_SEG_INFORMATION,
    'ade20k': _ADE20K_INFORMATION,
    'hairskin_test': _HAIRSKIN_TEST_INFORMATION,


If you want miou per class, then add this metric at line 155 located within main()

#new metric
from tensorflow.python.ops.metrics_impl import _streaming_confusion_matrix
cm, update_op_cm = _streaming_confusion_matrix(
    labels, predictions, dataset.num_of_classes, weights=weights)

tf.summary.tensor_summary('confusion_matrix', cm )

#end new metric 

so that the code looks like this

# Set ignore_label regions to label 0, because metrics.mean_iou requires
# range of labels = [0, dataset.num_classes). Note the ignore_label regions
# are not evaluated since the corresponding regions contain weights = 0.
labels = tf.where(
    tf.equal(labels, dataset.ignore_label), tf.zeros_like(labels), labels)

predictions_tag = 'miou'
for eval_scale in FLAGS.eval_scales:
  predictions_tag += '_' + str(eval_scale)
if FLAGS.add_flipped_images:
  predictions_tag += '_flipped'

# Define the evaluation metric.
miou, update_op = tf.metrics.mean_iou(
    predictions, labels, dataset.num_of_classes, weights=weights)
tf.summary.scalar(predictions_tag, miou)

#new metric
from tensorflow.python.ops.metrics_impl import _streaming_confusion_matrix
cm, update_op_cm = _streaming_confusion_matrix(
    labels, predictions, dataset.num_of_classes, weights=weights)

tf.summary.tensor_summary('confusion_matrix', cm )

#end new metric    

summary_op = tf.summary.merge_all()
summary_hook = tf.contrib.training.SummaryAtEndHook(
    log_dir=FLAGS.eval_logdir, summary_op=summary_op)
hooks = [summary_hook]

other custom metrics can be added before tf.summary.merge_all() if desired

Some resources


  • David Hughes - Computational Intelligence Lab in the Department of Computer Science at Cal Poly Pomona