
A second version of my portfolio built with AstroJS. Rebuilt to focus on content rather than design.

Primary LanguageAstro

My portfolio built with astro

Special thanks to the designer who developed this theme, Jeanine White.

Why I used a pre-made theme?

Im no UI/UX designer, Im a developer. And while I was having fun learning design, I was spending too much time on that instead of writing content for the site. So I made the tough decision to go with this theme, which was already exactly the type of design i was striving for, so I can spend more time writing content and working on projects.

While this is a premade theme, I did put my own touch on it. I changed the fonts to those which I picked for my previous portfolio, and I changed some of the site's wording to better reflect my own experience level and skills.

Why Astro?

Astro is a really awesome tool. It's the perfect combination of my skills with JavaScript/TypeScript, React, HTML, and CSS. And it allows for a faster, lighter bundle to be shipped to the browser. Look at my portfolio for an in depth article about my portfolio where ill delve deeper into why i chose Astro over something like NextJS.

Have feedback?

Please send any feedback to my email and I'll respond ASAP.