Test Hosting of Full App

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This repo is a fork of a portfolio project I and two other software engineers collaborated to build. We seperated this in order to test out several hosting platforms which might mean tweaking the code here a bit to fit. This would help us maintain the integrity of our origiinal work.

Open-Source Book Hub(OS|HB)



OS|BH Provides free access to diverse genres of resources including hobby-related ones and aims to reduce the challenging barriers to sharing and accessing knowledge or niche readings by empowering learning, literary leisure and exploration through community-driven open access.

The main repo for this project can be found here

Blog Posts

For a more in-depth description of OSBH as well as an overview of its tech stack and development process, do visit the links below:


Philip: Twitter | LinkedIn | GitHub

David: Twitter | LinkedIn | GitHub

Davidson: Twitter | LinkedIn | GitHub


How to get started locally

visit our main repo HERE to see how to get this project up and running locally on your computer:

How to deploy this code

This project was deployed using Digital Ocean free tier plan. You can click here for a detailed documention on how to deploy this code.


Directions on how to use this site with detailed screenshot can be found in our main repo README