
Fast & lightweight iot product to predict water flow rate 💧

Water Solvers

Fast & lightweight iot product to predict water flow rate 💧

What it does 🤔

Water solver is a IOT product that combines the power of cloud and AI to create predictions of the total amount of water that a company is going to use in the month based on a flow rate sensor.

How we built it 🔨

We divided our team in different actions points to find all the information that we need to create a great solution to the water problem:

  • Investigation
  • Cloud Infraestructure
  • ML Training
  • Power BI Connections
  • Documentation

Challenges we ran into ☠

A lot of challenges were present when trying to find a solution to this problem but this were the main ones 👇

  • Finding a good cloud based solution to train a machine learning model to create the predictions.
  • Searching solutions for infraestructure problems like connections in open areas where wifi connection or ethernet wireling is not the best thing to do.
  • Creating the cloud architecture
  • Develop dashboards in Power BI
  • Connecting all the tools

Accomplishments we're proud of 🏆

Getting up to this idea

What we learned 📚

  • Azure
  • Power BI
  • Iot Technologies
  • Azure ML
  • Mechatronic Infraestructures

What's next for Water-solvers 🧗‍♀️

We would love to work with Blue Yonder Engineers to expand this solution to macro problems so we can use the power of Big Data and Azure to solve regional and National water problems.

Built with 👷‍♂️👷‍♀️

Damían Pérez
Damían Pérez
Power BI
Damían Pérez
Damían Pérez
Flow Rate Sensor

Team 👨‍💻👩‍💻

Damían Pérez
Damían Pérez
Major League Hacking
David Lázaro
Damían Pérez
Leslie Saucedo
Damían Pérez
Marcela Ortíz