Code for NAACL 2024 findings paper: READ: Improving Relation Extraction from an ADversarial Perspective

Primary LanguagePython

READ: Improving Relation Extraction from an ADversarial Perspective


This repo contains the source code for the NAACL 2024 findings paper READ: Improving Relation Extraction from an ADversarial Perspective.

Project Structure

├── configs                <- Configuration files
│   ├── experiment               <- Experiment configs
│   ├── mode                     <- Mode configs
│   ├── trainer                  <- Trainer configs
│   ├── config.yaml              <- Main config 
|   └── wandb.yaml               <- Adversarial hyper-parameter config 
├── data                   <- Project data
├── logs                   <- Logs and saved checkpoints
├── preprocess             <- Preprocessing scripts
├── saved_models           <- Saved models
├── src                    <- Source code
│   ├── stage_1                  <- Stage 1 code: record learning order
│   ├── stage_2                  <- Stage 2 code: contrastive pre-training
│   └── stage_3                  <- Stage 2 code: fine-tuning
│       └── sentence_level       <- Fine-tune for sentence-level relation extraction
├── requirements.txt       <- File for installing python dependencies
├── run.py                 <- Controller
├── run_wandb_v2.py        <- Entry for adversarial hyper-parameter searching
└── README.md


  • Install dependencies from requirements.txt
  • Install Apex
  • For ERICA models, you can find them here.
  • For FineCL models and dataset, you can find them here. Unzip data.zip and then move both data and saved_models into the project's root directory.


  • Revise the pretrained_model_path parameter in configs/experiment/stage_3_sentence_re.yaml (FineCL or ERICA).
  • Revise the dataset, train_prop, max_epoch and dropout parameters in configs/trainer/sentence_re.yaml. We follow the original settings in FineCL paper.

Hyper-parameter Seaching

  • To search the best adversarial hyper-parameters for each dataset-proporation combo, you need to install Wandb.
  • Initialize a sweep by running:
wandb sweep --project <propject-name> configs/wandb.yaml
  • Then you will get a sweep-ID, start the sweep agent by running:
wandb agent <sweep-ID>
  • Or you can directly use the hyper-parameters below:


SemEval ReTACRED Wiki80
1% 10% 100% 1% 10% 100% 1% 10% 100%
adv_lr 0.1 0.05 0.1 0.1 0.05 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.02
adv_max_norm 0.6 0.2 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.4
adv_steps 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3

For FineCL

SemEval ReTACRED Wiki80
1% 10% 100% 1% 10% 100% 1% 10% 100%
adv_lr 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.05 0.05 0.05
adv_max_norm 0.6 0.2 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.6
adv_steps 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 2 3
  • Revise the adversarial hyper-parameters in configs/trainer/sentence_re.yaml to the corresponding values and run:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python run.py experiment=stage_3_sentence_re.yaml

Credits: This work began as a fork of the FineCL repository. If you found our code useful, please consider citing: