
Personal mod list for Skyrim SE, focusing on realism and inmersion

Mod List for Skyrim Special Edition

Skyrim Logo

Personal mod list for Skyrim SE, focusing on realism and inmersion.


Requirements, tools

Menu, UI

  • SkyUI: improved inventory menu.
  • Clean Menu: remove Bethesda logo from intro; remove Mods, Addons, Credits buttons from main menu.
  • A Quality World Map: graphically improved world map.

Combat system


  • Player & NPC health shall have realistic values. If possible, one-hit = not kill but wounded, unless wearing armor.
  • Enemies shall block more attacks (since the objective is to make each hit be important). (Wildcat, Deadly Combat - but won't always block (level depending?))
  • Damage reduction while blocking shall be reduced at most as possible (at least avoid instant-kills while player/NPC receives a hit while blocking on the sword).
  • Avoid instant-kills (like all kills shall have a killmove or finisher)
  • Armor to have more effect than just increasing health/reducing damage (True Armor?)
  • Arrows shall be more deadly. Headshots shall be instant-kills (unless wearing -heavy- helmets, but arrows shall bounce and not stick to the head). (Locational Damage)


Mods featuring real-world realism/inmersion details, not related with combat.

Clothing, objects


Random (not used for "production" savegames)

Mods that I would not use for a real main-story savegame, but for trying modding stuff and randomly playing around.