
A disk automounting service

Primary LanguagePythonISC LicenseISC


Mountagne is a disk/drive automounting service, made for Linux and runnable from a Docker container.

Getting started


All the configuration is loaded from environment variables, which may either be specified on the shell, and/or an env file. Variables from the shell have more priority. Variables keys are case-insensitive.

Name Description Default
ENV_FILE Path to the env file. Having an env file is not required, and execution will not fail if not found. .env
MOUNTPOINTS_BASE_DIR Path to the directory where drives will be mounted on. None (required)
WATCH_DEV_DIR Directory where to watch partitions from. A folder inside this directory is considered a partition, and its name will be the drive name. /dev/disk/by-label
FILTER_ALLOW, FILTER_BLOCK List of names of drives to allow or block from being automounted. Must be an array of strings in JSON format. Supports Unix filename pattern matching. [] (none)
FILESYSTEM_TYPES_OVERRIDES Map of detected filesystem types (as reported by blkid) and the driver/type it must be passed as parameter to the mount command. Must be a map/object/dictionary in JSON format. {} (none)
AUTOMOUNT_AT_START If true, automount any detected drive when Mountagne starts. false
UNMOUNT_AT_EXIT If true, unmount all the drives mounted by Mountagne when exiting. true
REMOVE_MOUNTDIRS_AFTER_UNMOUNT If true, directories created by Mountagne for automounting drives will be removed after the drive is unmounted. true
BLKID_PATH Path or reference to the blkid binary. blkid
Redis settings Redis can optionally be used for sending mount/unmount commands.
REDIS_HOST Redis server hostname/IP; if not specified, Redis will not be used. None (optional)
REDIS_PORT Redis server port. 6379
REDIS_PASSWORD Redis server password, if any. None (optional)
REDIS_DB Redis database number. 0
REDIS_TOPIC_COMMANDS Redis key for the topic where command payloads will be read from; if not specified, will not be supported. None (optional)
REDIS_TOPIC_STATUS Redis key for the topic where status updates will be sent to; if not specified, will not be supported. None (optional)
REDIS_KWARGS Additional kwargs to pass to the Python Redis client. Must be a map/object/dictionary in JSON format. {} (none)
REST API settings An HTTP REST API can optionally be served for sending mount/unmount commands via HTTP.
HTTP_PORT Port for the HTTP server; if not specified, the REST API server will not be used.
HTTP_HOST Host (IP) where the HTTP server will listen to. (bind all interfaces)
HTTP_APP_NAME Name of the app (shown on auto-generated docs).

Mountagne will fail to initialize if the settings are not valid (i.e. a required parameter is not passed, or a value has invalid data type or format). In this case, the error message will specify where exactly the problem is located.

Configuration example

Suppose we are using the following env file:


First of all, the WATCH_DEV_DIR variable makes Mountagne to watch for changes in the /dev/disk/by-label directory. When a device/disk/drive/partition is plugged in, a new directory appears here, whose name is the label of the drive. If we plug a flash drive with one partition labelled USB64G1, the device can be accessed from the /dev/sdXY path (such as /dev/sdc1), but also from /dev/disk/by-label/USB64G1 (being this last the one used by our configuration, and by default). If a device/disk/drive contains multiple partitions, each partition will have a directory in /dev/disk/by-label, and will be detected by Mountagne as a different partition to be mounted.

Since the device directory from the WATCH_DEV_DIR is named USB64G1, this will be used as the drive name from Mountagne. Then, Mountagne will mount this drive in /mnt/automount/USB64G1.

However, remember that we are using filters (FILTER_ALLOW and FILTER_BLOCK). This partition can be mounted because its name matches the first filter in FILTER_ALLOW: USB*, which is wildcarded to match any partition name starting by USB; and the partition does not match any of the FILTER_BLOCK filters.

Running from Docker example

docker run -it --rm --privileged \
-v /tmp/automount:/tmp/automount:rshared \
-v /dev:/dev:ro \
-v "$(pwd)/sample.env:/settings.env" -e ENV_FILE=/settings.env \

Running locally

Mountagne is developed and tested on Python 3.10, so older Python versions may not work. The Python requirements are:

It is only mandatory to install the base requirements from requirements.txt. The additional requirements are only required (are only imported) when enabling the usage of their functionality from the Mountagne configuration.

It may be required to run Mountagne as root, so that the mount/unmount commands can be called. Once the requirements are installed, you can run Mountagne from the repository root with: python ..

Redis support

Mountagne supports receiving commands for mounting and unmounting devices, read from a Redis topic (see Redis Pub/Sub). Topic key is configured by the REDIS_TOPIC_COMMANDS setting. Payload is a JSON object with the following entries:

Key Description
operation Either mount or unmount.
device Device name to mount or unmount. Device must be present on the WATCH_DEV_DIR

For example, this payload would mount a device named USB64G1:

  "operation": "mount",
  "device": "USB64G1"

And this payload would unmount it:

  "operation": "unmount",
  "device": "USB64G1"

Use the Redis PUBLISH command for sending messages:

PUBLISH mountagne/cmd '{"operation": "mount", "device": "USB64G1"}'
PUBLISH mountagne/cmd '{"operation": "unmount", "device": "USB64G1"}'

Redis updates

When any device gets mounted or unmounted, Mountagne will send a message to the REDIS_TOPIC_STATUS with the following format:

  "devices": ["USB64G1", "USB64G2"]


Mountagne uses FastAPI for serving an HTTP REST API. This API supports mounting/unmounting devices via HTTP requests, as well as visualizing the currently mounting devices names. If the HTTP server is enabled, you can see all the endpoints available in the auto-generated documentations, in: http://{host}:{port}/docs.


  • v0.3
    • Add HTTP REST API server support, for mounting/unmounting and getting the currently mounted devices
    • Send updates on currently mounted devices to Redis topic
    • BREAKING: the REDIS_TOPIC_COMMANDS config param is now optional; not providing it will not listen to any commands
  • v0.2
    • Support mounting/unmounting with commands from Redis
  • v0.1
    • Initial release


  • Standarize nomenclatures for device/disk/drive/partition
  • Add automated tests