
Docker containers in use on the I-LOFAR REALTA system

Primary LanguageMakefile

REALTA Pulsar Docker Containers

Docker containers used on the I-LOFAR REALTA nodes for processing pulsar observations.

CUDA Container Requirements

  • Docker 19.03+
  • nvidia-docker container toolkit
  • GPU with SM70+ available (Volta+, lower CCs may be possible by modifying the Dockerfile as needed, but I believe sm_30 is the minimum requirement)


Known issues/TODOs:

  • Cleanup ENV variables
  • Pass on packages to see if any can be removed after some changes to image requirements
  • Not all installed packages have been stress tested as of yet
  • Intel MKL/IPP libraries fail to be detected at compile time, removed for the time being and isolated to the "Dockerfile_MKLWIP" file. Could allow for a significant speed up, and for increase python performance (intelpython).
  • mark5access, PsrXML and a few other packages were intended to be installed but appear to have issues compiling, leaving out for now.
  • PSRCHIVE seems to have some GPU support but it depends on CULA, which at the time of writing seems to be unobtainable as it's behind a registration/licencse wall which is broken.