
Try to build a CTFd of docker version, with mysql, nginx proxy for uWSGI

Primary LanguageShell

CTFd - Docker version

This project is a practice for using docker, thus I recommend to use official docker version for better logs and debugging.

Host Environment

  • docker version: Docker for Windows, 17.12.0-ce
  • docker-compose version: 1.18.0, build 8dd22a96
  • Windows 10 Pro, Hyper-V Emulator

If your OS is Windows below Win 10(Win7, Win8, Win10 Home Edition), then you should use "Docker Toolbox" instead. The difference between "Docker for Windows" and "Docker Toolbox" just a few points:

Docker for Windows Docker Toolbox
Virtual Machine Hyper-V Virtual Box
Docker Tech MobyLinux Boot2Docker
Dev host localhost 192.168.x.x

CTFd Environment

  • Official Flask CTFd project - https://github.com/CTFd/CTFd
  • python 2.7 with debian-jessie version(it's big, but still smaller than ubuntu), official version(linux alpine) is lighter but more complicated(about libraries)
  • uWSGI backend webserver with 'TCP' socket connect to nginx frontend webserver, 'Unix-protocol' socket cannot communicate between different containers.

Starts up

First, rename the 'example' infix files

cp docker-compose.example.yml docker-compose.yml
cp .env.example .env

Build the image, and up the containers.

$ docker-compose up

Verify the deployment by navigating to your server address in your preferred browser.

Virtual Box: 192.168.x:x:4000

Docker-compose command

Besides line command, docker-compose tool makes Docker powerful! If your OS is linux system, then you need to install docker-compose by you own.

docker-compose build

Only build the image

$ docker-compose build
docker-compose up

Up all images to containers in basic mode, which all logs would show

$ docker-compose up

Up all or specific images to containers in a daemon mode

$ docker-compose up -d [image]

Up all images to containers with rebuilding

$ docker-compose up --build
docker-compose down

Stop containers and removing them

$ docker-compose down

Hey, removing containers is easy, but how about the data in database?

There is a function called "volume", which we usually call it as persistence data, with setting it in a right way, all db data would not loss until we delete the volume.

Volume can be used in two ways
  • some-tag:/path/to/db/data
  • /host/path/to/data:/container/path/to/data The second way is also called "Bind Mount"

Notice, docker-compose is not suitable for production(not recommended) because of some security problems. But when learning and practicing docker, you can use it for convenience.

Docker Command(common use)

docker run

Creates a new container of a image, '-it' means to interactive with this container, '--rm ' means remove this container after exiting the interaction, then bash or sh is the way that you would use for interaction

docker run -it --rm [image_name|image_name] [bash|sh]
docker exec

Usually with -it, means to interactive with an existing container(go inside the container), bash or sh is the way that you would use for interaction

docker exec -it [container_name|container_id] [bash|sh]
docker stop

Stops a container

docker stop [container_name|container_id]
docker rm

Removes a container, must stop first

docker rm [container_name|container_id]
docker start

Starts a stopped container

docker start [container_name|container_id]
docker ps

Shows running containers, with '-a' show all containers(running and stopped)

docker ps -a [container_name|container_id]
docker logs

Shows logs of speficic container, especially useful when debugging

docker logs [container_name|container_id]

Essential Files

A docker project uses a tile of config files to work properly:

  • Dockerfile - A basic config file use Uppercase-form-command 'FROM', 'RUN', 'COPY', 'EXPOSE', 'ENTRYPOINT', ...etc; It can be prefixed by a string then can be referenced by docker-compose, here I add a 'CTFd'.
  • docker-compose.yml - 'docker-compose' is an essential tool in docker development, this config file has various of version(3.X is the latest); in 2.x version, a useful 'healthycheck' of containers is great. Like a dockerfile as mentioned above, there are many basic commands in lowercase which should be more clearly; besides, you can define many containers in just one docker-compose.yml file with all dependencies.
  • docker-entrypoint.sh - 'entrypoint' is a command which would be executed when the container with it starts
  • .env - A file with some external environmental variables, can be used with ${variable} in docker-compose.yml
  • server/nginx.conf - custom nginx.conf, it would overwrite the default one in image.
  • server/uwsgi.ini - custom uwsgi.ini, essential uwsgi settings locate here.


  • Make the image smaller, official is less than 400MB, this is about 900MB
  • Add cluster mode with K8S or docker swarm, on GCP or AWS



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