
Toy project for the DjangoCon Europe 2021 Migrations Workshop. Taking place 2021-06-04 from 09:45 to 10:35 (UTC+2)

Primary LanguagePython

Migrations Workshop - DjangoCon Europe 2021

This is the toy project for DjangoCon Europe 2021, Migrations Workshop. The complete title is Migrations and understanding Django's relationship with its database. and will take place 2021-06-04 from 09:45 to 10:35 (UTC+2). See https://cfp.2021.djangocon.eu/2021/talk/VHFEDF/

For the workshop, please install this project using these steps

This is repository contains a fresh Django project, with one view, one URL, one template and one model. During the workshop, we will edit the model to explore some aspects of Django Migrations.

  1. Clone the repository

For instance: git clone git@github.com:David-Wobrock/djangocon-europe-2021-migrations-workshop.git

  1. Choose the relational database you are familiar with

Preferably MySQL or PostgreSQL. I will use PostgreSQL during the workshop. Avoid relying on sqlite for the workshop, we will talk about it during the session :)

  1. Configure your database

Set up the database management system, and be aware of the username and password to connect to it. And already create a database called djangocon_migrations_workshop.

  1. Install Python libraries

The latest Django will do just fine, and you might need to install a driver for the chosen database. If you use MySQL, you will need mysqlclient. If you use PostgreSQL, you will need psycopg2.

For instance: pip install django psycopg2

  1. Configure the Django project to use your database

Edit the DATABASES configuration in the Django project settings to make it use the credentials configured in step 3. You only need to edit the configuration for the default database.

See https://github.com/David-Wobrock/djangocon-europe-2021-migrations-workshop/blob/main/migrations_workshop/settings.py#L78-L84

  1. Make sure everything works

Run python manage.py migrate and ensure that you get many lines that end with ... OK.

Run python manage.py runserver and ensure you can access the homepage saying The install worked successfully!.

We should be ready to roll now! See you then!