First, you'll need to download the cocos2d-unity plug-in.
$ git clone --recursive git@github.com:BigWoodGames/cocos2d-unity.git
Create a new 2D project in the Unity Editor.
Unity 5 is required. Unity 5.1.2f1 is our recommended version.
- Drag the BBGamelib folders into your Assets path:
- Create a c# script AppDelegate.cs under Assets/Scripts.
- Double click AppDelegate.cs script to open MonoDevelop.
Add the following code to the class:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using BBGamelib;
public class AppDelegate : CCAppDelegate {
//It's expansive to create a component during runtime in Unity.
//So cocos2d-unity implements a components pool which created in editor mode.
public override void applicationRunOnceOnBuilding ()
base.applicationRunOnceOnBuilding ();
//add components need to pool
//set pool size of CCNode.
//set pool size of CCSprite
//set poool size of CCLabel
//Same as you always do in xcode. Called after the application loaded.
public override void applicationDidFinishLaunching ()
//Set the resolution height. Screen will autosize to fit the height.
//You can set different height for different devices.
_window.setResolutionHeight (640);
_view.setFrame (_window.bounds);
CCDirector.Reset ();
_director = CCDirector.sharedDirector;
_director.displayError = true;
_director.displayStats = true;
_director.displayLink = this;
_director.animationInterval = 1.0f / 60;
_director.view = _view;
_window.rootViewController = _director;
//Set your scene
_director.presentScene(HelloWorldLayer.Scene ());
//Called when application quit
void OnApplicationQuit() {
//Called when application enter background or resume
void OnApplicationPause(bool paused)
- Create a empty GameObject under Hierarchy:
Add Component to the GameObject, and choose Scripts > App Delegate:
- Create a c# script HelloWorldLayer.cs derived from CCLayer Add the following method to the class:
public class HelloWorldLayer : CCLayer {
// Helper class method that creates a Scene with the HelloWorldLayer as the only child.
public static CCScene Scene()
// 'scene' is an autorelease object.
CCScene scene = new CCScene();
// 'layer' is an autorelease object.
HelloWorldLayer layer = new HelloWorldLayer();
// add layer as a child to scene
// return the scene
return scene;
// on "init" you need to initialize your instance
protected override void init ()
base.init ();
// create and initialize a Label
CCLabelTTF label = new CCLabelTTF("Hello World","Arial", 64);
// ask director for the window size
Vector2 size = CCDirector.sharedDirector.winSize;
// position the label on the center of the screen
label.position = size / 2;
// add the label as a child to this Layer
// menu items
// Default font size will be 28 points.
CCMenuItemFont.FontSize = 28;
// Cocos2d Menu Item using blocks
CCMenuItem itemCocos2d = new CCMenuItemFont("Cocos2d", delegate(object sender) {
label.text = "Hello Cocos2d";
// Unity Menu Item using blocks
CCMenuItem itemUnity = new CCMenuItemFont("Unity", delegate(object sender) {
label.text = "Hello Unity";
CCMenu menu = new CCMenu(itemCocos2d, itemUnity);
menu.position = new Vector2(size.x/2, size.y/2 - 50);
// Add the menu to the layer
That's it! You now can code your game like using cocos2d-objc in xcode!