
This project explores Pokemon world with PokeApi to create a random card generator using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Showcasing creativity and coding skills to engage users with a fun experience inspired by Pokemon universe.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Pokemon Card Generator

This project is a simple web application that generates Pokemon cards dynamically by fetching data from the PokeAPI. Each generated card displays essential details about a randomly selected Pokemon, including its name, HP, attack, defense, speed stats, and type(s).

Technologies Used

  • HTML
  • CSS (styles defined in styles.css)
  • JavaScript (functions defined in scripts.js)
  • PokeAPI - RESTful API used for fetching Pokemon data

Project Structure

├── index.html         # HTML file defining the structure of the web page
├── styles.css         # CSS file containing styles for the project
└── scripts.js         # JavaScript file containing the main logic for the card generation

How It Works

  1. HTML Structure:

    • The index.html file contains the basic structure of the web page. It includes a container (div.container) where the Pokemon card (div#card) will be displayed along with a 'Generate' button (button#btn) to trigger card generation.
  2. Styling:

    • Styles for the entire application are defined in styles.css, including layout, colors, typography, and card appearance.
  3. JavaScript Logic:

    • The scripts.js file handles the dynamic generation of Pokemon cards:
      • Fetching Data: Uses the Fetch API to retrieve random Pokemon data from the PokeAPI (https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/).
      • Generating Cards: Dynamically constructs and populates the card with fetched Pokemon data, including stats and types.
      • Styling Cards: Applies appropriate styling to match the Pokemon type using predefined colors (typeColor object).
  4. Card Generation:

    • Upon page load and clicking the 'Generate' button, a random Pokemon is fetched and its data is used to generate and display a Pokemon card.
  5. Type Colors:

    • The typeColor object maps Pokemon types to specific colors, enhancing visual distinction and thematic representation on each card.


  • Open index.html in a web browser.
  • Click the 'Generate' button to fetch and display a new Pokemon card each time.


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to fork this repository, make improvements, and submit pull requests.


  • PokeAPI: Provides the Pokemon data used in this project.
  • Google Fonts: Used for the 'Poppins' font family.
  • FontAwesome: Could be integrated for additional iconography.