
:anchor::man: An Erlang library for broadcasting information

Primary LanguageErlangOtherNOASSERTION

Anchorman Travis-CI

⚓👨 An Erlang library for broadcasting information


Simply include in your rebar.config as:

{deps, [
  % ...
  {anchorman, {git, "https://github.com/ostera/anchorman", {tag, "0.1.0"}}}
  % ...


Eshell V7.3  (abort with ^G)
1> application:start(anchorman).
[anchorman@mirror] I look fantastic today...ok
3> anchorman:broadcast(<<"system.status">>, "60% of the time, it works every time").
[anchorman@mirror] {broadcast,<<"system.status">>,"60% of the time, it works every time"}ok


When building pry I found myself in the need for publishing information from inside the BEAM to the outside world with a unified interface that could let me plug more transports as I see need, and doesn't incur in much overhead or any refactor in my current code.

And this clearly had nothing to do with gaining insight of an existing system, so I factored it out into a separate application/library.

This way, either by manually starting an anchorman_server with a set of handlers, or by configuring it in your app.src file, you get to publish the same data to as many places as you want without rewriting a line of code. What? Neat? Yup.


Fork, make a topic branch, and send a Pull Request. Travis will let you know if it's good to go, and from the on we can review, retouch, and merge.

Included here is a Makefile with handy targets. Run make to execute the complete battery of tests.

Next Steps

See the issues page for a list of planned enhancements and features.
