A collection of utilities written as part of articles on Cocoa with Love
- Better stack traces in Swift
- Gathering system information in Swift with sysctl
- Presenting unanticipated errors to users
- Swift name demangling: C++ vs Swift for parsing
- Random number generators in Swift
- Mutexes and closure capture in Swift
- In a subdirectory of your project's directory, run
git clone https://github.com/mattgallagher/CwlUtils.git
- Drag the "CwlUtils.xcodeproj" file into your own project's file tree in Xcode
- Click on your project in the file tree to access project settings and click on the target to which you want to add CwlUtils.
- Click on the "Build Phases" tab and if you don't already have a "Copy Files" build phase with a "Destination: Frameworks", add one using the "+" in the top left of the tab.
- Still on the "Build Phases" tab, add "CwlUtils.framework" to the "Copy Files, Destination: Frameworks" step. NOTE: there will be two frameworks in the list with the same name (one is OS X and the other is iOS). You should select the "CwlUtils.framework" that appears above the corresponding CwlUtils OS X or iOS testing target.
Note about step (1): it is not required to create the checkout inside your project's directory but if you check the code out in a shared location and then open it in multiple parent projects simultaneously, Xcode will complain – it's usually easier to create a new copy inside each of your projects.