
A collection of Swift utilities as documented on cocoawithlove.com

Primary LanguageSwift


A collection of utilities written as part of articles on Cocoa with Love

Related articles


  1. In a subdirectory of your project's directory, run git clone https://github.com/mattgallagher/CwlUtils.git
  2. Drag the "CwlUtils.xcodeproj" file into your own project's file tree in Xcode
  3. Click on your project in the file tree to access project settings and click on the target to which you want to add CwlUtils.
  4. Click on the "Build Phases" tab and if you don't already have a "Copy Files" build phase with a "Destination: Frameworks", add one using the "+" in the top left of the tab.
  5. Still on the "Build Phases" tab, add "CwlUtils.framework" to the "Copy Files, Destination: Frameworks" step. NOTE: there will be two frameworks in the list with the same name (one is OS X and the other is iOS). You should select the "CwlUtils.framework" that appears above the corresponding CwlUtils OS X or iOS testing target.

Note about step (1): it is not required to create the checkout inside your project's directory but if you check the code out in a shared location and then open it in multiple parent projects simultaneously, Xcode will complain – it's usually easier to create a new copy inside each of your projects.