#Serial Port
SerialPort is a Dart Api to provide access read and write access to serial port.
Binaries are provided for:
- Win 64 bits
- Linux 64 bits
- MacOS 64 bits
Inspiration come from node-serialport.
Simple program :
- Arduino repeat all character send to it.
- Dart send "Hello !" and print what Arduino send.
Dart part:
import 'package:serial_port/serial_port.dart';
import 'dart:async';
main() async {
var arduino = new SerialPort("/dev/tty.usbmodem1421");
await arduino.open();
// Wait a little bit before sending data
new Timer(new Duration(seconds: 2), () => arduino.writeString("Hello !"));
Arduino part:
void setup(){
void loop(){
while (Serial.available() > 0) {
import 'package:serial_port/serial_port.dart';
main() async {
final portNames = await SerialPort.availablePortNames;
print("${portNames.length} devices found:");
portNames.forEach((device) => print(">$device"));
Install serial_port with as pub global executable.
pub global activate serial_port
And use it to list available serial ports.
serial_port list
- Have a better implementation for writing bytes.
- Wait for
TODO(turnidge): Currently handle_concurrently is ignored
from Dart VM. - Support serial port communication parameter like (FLOWCONTROLS, ...).