
Fast PHP router

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Documentation for the PHP routing engine.

The Main purpose of Falcon is to direct URI Requests to processing files. Example of a route:

Here is an example url request:


This is broken down as:

https:// api.example.com/1.0/user/2234/details


protocol domain version request route

What Falcon gets to work with is version request route.

The request route is broken down into parts, or a path. The path for this example is user 2234 details.

This path is now matched against the resource rules of the requested version.

The router loads up all the defined rules and sequentually

Directory Structure

All request are pushed to Falcon's index.php file, where it takes over the routing and loading of resources. This is a common practice used in "clean" urls and is referred to as url rewrite.

Versioning is a big part of Falcon as it allows you to work on multiple versions within the same platform and not cause older integrations to fail. If you are not wanting to use versioning, its save to simply call your version api e.g. https://example.com/api/my-route

The directory structure of falcon:

|-- version
|    |-- methods
|    |    +-- a_method.php
|    |-- resources
|    |    |-- routes.json
|    |    +-- app-globals.json
|    +-- static
|         |-- css
|         |-- images
|         +-- js
+-- index.php

There is no limit to the amount of resource .json files. This allows you to group your routes as you like. Grouping them makes for easier management on large projects.

The methods folder can be anything and is not governed by Falcon. It's advised to create multiple folders to help organize routing. Use meaningfull folder names. methods, templates, libs are good names, while files, php, stuff are not.

The resources folder is governed by Falcon. It's where the routing rules are saved.

The static folder is governed by Falcon and the .htaccess and falcon.conf examples for apache and lighttpd respectivly, have reqrite rules for the static folder to be handled as a static file handler. You would use this to store fiels like styles, scripts and images if needed.

Defining Route Rules

A route rule is defined through a .json file found in the version/resources folder. A rules file is an array or rule objects. It can contain as many rules as is needed and rules can be spread accross multiple files.

An example rule with all available properties set:

		"name"      :   "user/:id/:action",
		"desc"      :   "Route Description - a note to me so I know what I made it.",
		"debug"     :   true,
		"my_custom" :   {
		    "key"   :   "value",
		    "settings"  :   {
		        "username"  :   "bob",
		        "user_id"   :   "234"
		"headers"   :	{
			"Content-Type"  :   "text/javascript",
			"Age"           :   "7"
		"libraries" :   [
		"methods"   :   {
			"GET"   :   {
				"headers"   :   {
					"Access-Control-Allow-Origin"   :   "*"
				"libraries" :   [
				"file"      :   "methods/get_handler.php"
			"POST"  :   "methods/post_handler.php"

An example with the minimum required properties:

		"name"      :   "stuff",
		"methods"   :   {
			"GET"   :   "get_stuff.php"

An example containing 3 rules in a single file:

		"name"          :   "user/:id",
		"desc"          :   "Example showing multiple verbs for a single route.",
		"methods"       :   {
			"GET"       :   "users/get_user.php",
			"POST"      :   "users/add_user.php",
			"DELETE"    :   "users/delete_user.php"
		"name"          :   "user/:id/:action",
		"desc"          :   "Example showing single verb for a route.",
		"methods"       :   {
			"GET"       :   "users/get_user.php"
		"name"          :   "users/list",
		"desc"          :   "Example showing single verb for a static route.",
		"methods"       :   {
			"GET"       :   "users/list.php"