The R codes for construction GNLHD and its optimization. We can also construct a LHD and NLHD by the R codes. More details will be found in a coming paper, GNLHD and Its Optimization written by Daijun Chen and Shifeng Xiong

Primary LanguageR


The package GNLHD. This package provides constructions for LHD, NLHD and GNLHD in R. The package mainly includes construction for GNLHD, which is a kind of new design originated from LHD, and two types of algrorithms to optimizing GNLHDs. Currently, the R package can be only run on Windows platform. More details will be found in a coming paper, Generalized Nested Latin Hypercube Design And Its Optimization written by Daijun Chen and Shifeng Xiong. ##Installation You can also install the development version from Github, which provides daily build of GNLHD:


If you know GIT and R CMD build, it's handly way:

git clone http://github.com/DavidDJChen/GNLHD.git

#Usage Part 1: Construction for GNLHD and some useful functions


# Construct a GNLHD class u1 with stucture s=(3,5) and q=2.

# Show the GNLHD class u1.
    diagnose: function
    GNLH: function
    GNLH_Full: function
    GNLH_illegal_set: function
    GNLH_permutation: function
    initialize: function
    Lcm: 15
    q: 2
    s: 3 5
    StandGNLHD: function
    Swap: function
    t: 5 3

# Generate a generalzied nested permutation with structure s=(3,5).
> u1$GNLH_permutation()
 [1] 10 14  2  9  4  7 15  6  1 13  3  5  8 11 12

# Generate q generalized nested permutations with structure s=(3,5).
      [,1] [,2]
 [1,]    1    4
 [2,]   14    9
 [3,]    8   13
 [4,]   10    1
 [5,]    6   11
 [6,]   15   15
 [7,]    2   12
 [8,]    7   10
 [9,]    5    8
[10,]   12    3
[11,]    9    6
[12,]   13    2
[13,]   11    5
[14,]    4    7
[15,]    3   14

# Generate a GNLH structure s=(3,5) and q=2.
> u1$GNLH()
     [,1] [,2]
[1,]    4    4
[2,]   13    8
[3,]    9   15
[4,]   10    1
[5,]    3   10

# Generate a Standard GNLHD with s=(3,5) and q=2.
          [,1]      [,2]
[1,] 0.2333333 0.4333333
[2,] 0.5666667 0.3000000
[3,] 0.7666667 0.7666667
[4,] 0.9000000 0.1000000
[5,] 0.1000000 0.8333333

# Do layer-in swap operation on a in the 2nd layer and  the 1st column.
> a<-u1$GNLH_Full()
> a
      [,1] [,2]
 [1,]   12   12
 [2,]    2    3
 [3,]    9    9
 [4,]   14    6
 [5,]    5   14
 [6,]    1    1
 [7,]   10    7
 [8,]   15   11
 [9,]    7    4
[10,]    6   15
[11,]    8    5
[12,]    4    8
[13,]    3   13
[14,]   13    2
[15,]   11   10
> u1$Swap(a, structure=c(3,5),column=1, Swap_type="in", Swap_layer=2,lcm=15) 
      [,1] [,2]
 [1,]   12   12
 [2,]    2    3
 [3,]    9    9
 [4,]    5    6
 [5,]   14   14
 [6,]    1    1
 [7,]   10    7
 [8,]   15   11
 [9,]    7    4
[10,]    6   15
[11,]    8    5
[12,]    4    8
[13,]    3   13
[14,]   13    2
[15,]   11   10

# Do  layer-between swap operation on a in the 2nd layer and  the 1st column.
> u1$Swap(a, structure=c(3,5),column=1, Swap_type="between", Swap_layer=2,lcm=15) 
      [,1] [,2]
 [1,]   12   12
 [2,]    2    3
 [3,]    9    9
 [4,]   14    6
 [5,]    6   14
 [6,]    1    1
 [7,]   10    7
 [8,]   15   11
 [9,]    7    4
[10,]    5   15
[11,]    8    5
[12,]    4    8
[13,]    3   13
[14,]   13    2
[15,]   11   10

Part 2: Calucate the Phi_p value with p=50 and t=2 for a.

> Phi_p(Design=a,t=2,p=50)
[1] 0.7169776

Part 3: Utilizing an efficient Sequential algorithm to get a optimal GNLHD

# Utilizing an efficient sequential algorithm with iteration=1000 to get a optimal GNLHD
from a.
> Optimal_GNLHD_SequentialAlg(GNLHD=u1, GNLH_Full=a, iteration=1000,T_h_initial=0.1,M=100,J=6,t=2,p=50,
      [,1] [,2]
 [1,]   12   12
 [2,]    2    3
 [3,]    9    9
 [4,]   15    4
 [5,]    4   15
 [6,]    1    1
 [7,]   10    7
 [8,]   14   11
 [9,]    7    5
[10,]    6   14
[11,]    8    6
[12,]    5    8
[13,]    3   13
[14,]   13    2
[15,]   11   10


This package is free and open source software, licensed under GPL-3.


Daijun Chen and Shifeng Xiong, Generalized Nested Latin Hypercube Design and Its Optimization.


*1. Deploy on CRAN:

You can install the advanced version on CRAN:


*2. Deploy on RForge:

You can also install from RForge,which provides daily build of GNLHD;

# update all existing packages
update.packages(ask=FALSE, repos='http://cran.rstudio.org')
install.packages('GNLHD', repos=c('http://rforge.net','http://cran.rstudio.org'),type='source')