
A custom merge tool for merging Cocos Creator layouts

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

FireMerge is a custom tool for merging Cocos Creator layouts. It was origonally written for mecurial, but should work with git and svn.


FireMerge is built with cmake.

On Linux or Mac

git clone https://github.com/DavidDeSimone/FireMerge
cd FireMerge/
mkdir build && cd build/
cmake ..
sudo make install


You will need to set up a custom merge tool in your version control program of choice


Add the following lines to your .hgrc

mergetool.priority = 100
mergetool.premerge = False
mergetool.args = $local $other $base -o $output
FireMerge = /usr/local/bin/FireMerge 

**.fire = /usr/local/bin/FireMerge
**.prefab = /usr/local/bin/FireMerge

You can customize the file locations firemerge will look for, or the location of fire merge by editing the merge-patterns.


You will need to add the following lines to your .gitattributes

**.fire merge=FireMerge
**.prefab merge=FireMerge

Add the following to your git config file

[merge "FireMerge"]
name = FireMerge
driver = /usr/local/bin/FireMerge %A %O %B

OR run

git config merge.FireMerge.driver "/usr/local/bin/FireMerge %A %O %B"

Handling Merges

FireMerge does NODE based merging. This means that it will compare individually identified nodes against each other. If either of these nodes have been touched across branches, FireMerge will report a conflict you will need to manually resolve. Due to CocosCreator's array indexing pattern, conflicted nodes will occupy have the following format

        "MINE >>>>>>>>": {
            "__type__": "cc.Node",
            "_active": true,
            "_anchorPoint": {
                "__type__": "cc.Vec2",
                "x": 0.5,
                "y": 0.5
            "_cascadeOpacityEnabled": true,
            "_children": [
                    "__id__": 3
            "_color": {
                "__type__": "cc.Color",
                "a": 255,
                "b": 255,
                "g": 255,
                "r": 255
            "_components": [
                    "__id__": 4
            "_contentSize": {
                "__type__": "cc.Size",
                "height": 640,
                "width": 960
            "_globalZOrder": 0,
            "_id": "834f1BEjTBPUZb6xY6a58Mr",
            "_localZOrder": 0,
            "_name": "Canvas",
            "_objFlags": 0,
            "_opacity": 255,
            "_opacityModifyRGB": false,
            "_parent": {
                "__id__": 1
            "_position": {
                "__type__": "cc.Vec2",
                "x": 480,
                "y": 320
            "_prefab": null,
            "_rotationX": 0,
            "_rotationY": 0,
            "_scaleX": 1,
            "_scaleY": 1,
            "_skewX": 0,
            "_skewY": 0,
            "_tag": -1,
            "groupIndex": 0
        "THEIRS <<<<<<<<": {
            "__type__": "cc.Node",
            "_active": true,
            "_anchorPoint": {
                "__type__": "cc.Vec2",
                "x": 0.5,
                "y": 0.5
            "_cascadeOpacityEnabled": true,
            "_children": [
                    "__id__": 5
            "_color": {
                "__type__": "cc.Color",
                "a": 255,
                "b": 255,
                "g": 255,
                "r": 255
            "_components": [
                    "__id__": 4
            "_contentSize": {
                "__type__": "cc.Size",
                "height": 640,
                "width": 960
            "_globalZOrder": 0,
            "_id": "834f1BEjTBPUZb6xY6a58Mr",
            "_localZOrder": 0,
            "_name": "Canvas",
            "_objFlags": 0,
            "_opacity": 255,
            "_opacityModifyRGB": false,
            "_parent": {
                "__id__": 1
            "_position": {
                "__type__": "cc.Vec2",
                "x": 480,
                "y": 320
            "_prefab": null,
            "_rotationX": 0,
            "_rotationY": 0,
            "_scaleX": 1,
            "_scaleY": 1,
            "_skewX": 0,
            "_skewY": 0,
            "_tag": -1,
            "groupIndex": 0

Here, this conflicted node has been filled with two keys, MINE and THEIRS. It should be replaced with the resulting non-conflicted node. An example output of the merge would be

            "__type__": "cc.Node",
            "_active": true,
            "_anchorPoint": {
                "__type__": "cc.Vec2",
                "x": 0.5,
                "y": 0.5
            "_cascadeOpacityEnabled": true,
            "_children": [
                    "__id__": 5,
		    "__id__": 3
            "_color": {
                "__type__": "cc.Color",
                "a": 255,
                "b": 255,
                "g": 255,
                "r": 255
            "_components": [
                    "__id__": 4
            "_contentSize": {
                "__type__": "cc.Size",
                "height": 640,
                "width": 960
            "_globalZOrder": 0,
            "_id": "834f1BEjTBPUZb6xY6a58Mr",
            "_localZOrder": 0,
            "_name": "Canvas",
            "_objFlags": 0,
            "_opacity": 255,
            "_opacityModifyRGB": false,
            "_parent": {
                "__id__": 1
            "_position": {
                "__type__": "cc.Vec2",
                "x": 480,
                "y": 320
            "_prefab": null,
            "_rotationX": 0,
            "_rotationY": 0,
            "_scaleX": 1,
            "_scaleY": 1,
            "_skewX": 0,
            "_skewY": 0,
            "_tag": -1,
            "groupIndex": 0

In our example here, two branches both added a node to a scene. Our resolution was to manually merge their child arrays, adding them together.