
a tiny JS lib for URL highlighting

Primary LanguageJavaScript


urlhighlight is licensed under the MIT license.

urlhighlight is a tiny (888B minified and gzipped) JavaScript library for syntax highlighting URLs. Its function is very apparent from its usage:

urlhighlight({ url: 'http://www.example.com/section/article?id=123#top' })

// returns (new lines added for readability):

<span class="url-protocol">http:</span>
<span class="url-protocol-delimiter">//</span>
<span class="url-host">www.example.com</span>
<span class="url-path">/section/article</span>
<span class="url-query-delimiter">?</span>
<span class="url-query-param-name">id</span>
<span class="url-query-param-assign">=</span>
<span class="url-query-param-value">123</span>
<span class="url-hash-delimiter">#</span>
<span class="url-hash">top</span>


  • syntax highlights URLs
  • custom templates
  • lightweight (888B minified and gzipped)
  • support for data-uri
  • support for AMD (asynchronous module definition)
  • free

CSS classes (used in default templates)

  • url-protocol
  • url-protocol-delimiter
  • url-host
  • url-port-delimiter
  • url-port
  • url-path
  • url-query-delimiter
  • url-query-param-name
  • url-query-param-assign
  • url-query-param-value
  • url-query-param-delimiter
  • url-hash-delimiter
  • url-hash

data-uri specific:

  • url-mime-type
  • url-mime-type-delimiter
  • url-encoding
  • url-encoding-delimiter
  • url-data

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