
Tool to facilitate grading student SQL queries

Primary LanguagePythonEuropean Union Public License 1.2EUPL-1.2


Tool to facilitate teachers the process of grading database exams.


The main goals of this program are:

  • Reduce the time of marking exams.
  • Produce more precise and objetive marks.

In order to do that, the software:

  • Provides a template you have to use to prepare exams.
  • Compiles all your students exams into a single file where you have to mark. This file:
    • Contains all the students' answers reordered to facilitate the marking process.
    • Contains execution information of all the students' answers> Does the code execute? Does it produce the same result as the right solution?
  • Will extract scores from the compiled file and transfer them to the students' exams.

The aim is to help you, not to do the work for you. That said, there is a command to automatically mark exams as well.

Usage example

An example will illustrate what this program really does.

Basic use

You can use the help command in the application to get a list of available commands. You can as well do help command to get help for a specific command.

Use quit for exiting the application.

Any command can be autocompleted using the tab key.


To keep this example short everything will be heavily simplified.

If you want to test your students' knowledge you will need an exam.sql with some questions, and a schema.sql that creates some database to perform the exam on it.


-- Create tables
CREATE TABLE customer (
  id        integer primary key,
  firstname text,
  lastname  text

CREATE TABLE product (
  id            integer primary key,
  name          text,
  price         real

-- Add data
INSERT INTO customer
  (firstname, lastname)
  ('Barry', 'Shmelly'),
  ('Bjorn', 'Free'),
  ('Casey', 'Deeya'),
  ('Doug', 'Graves'),
  ('Ellie', 'Noise'),
  ('Ken', 'Hardly')

  (name, price)
  ('Papermate Blue Pen', 1.59),
  ('Papermate Black Pen', 1.59),
  ('Writing paper 100 sheets', 3.79),
  ('Moderno Notebook', 4.99),
  ('Moderno Bullet Journal', 7.99),
  ('Post-it notes (pack of 300)', 2.99),
  ('Post-it 10 slim sticky notes', 4.99),
  ('CASIO FX-991EX Scientific Calculator', 27.99),
  ('CASIO FX-CG50 Graphic Calculator', 119.99)

sql-gh requires that you provide questions and answers, so you would have an exam_solved.sql file:

  Exam header. School and class info, exam instructions and whatever you want to include.

--> 1


1. Get a sales list ordered in such a way the most
recent sale is shown first.
Include columns:
 - date
 - customer first name
 - customer last name
 - product name
 - quantity


--> Solution:
SELECT "date"
     , c.firstname
     , c.lastname
     , p.name
     , s.quantity
  FROM sales s
  join customer c on c.id = s.customer_id
  join product p  on p.id = s.product_id

--> Test:

--> 2


2. Insert a new product using this data:
 - Name  = Birthday Card Red Poppies
 - Price = 2.49


--> Solution:
  (name, price)
  ('Birthday Card Red Poppies', 2.49)

--> Test:
SELECT count(*)
  FROM product
 WHERE name = 'Birthday Card Red Poppies'
   and price = 2.49

-- ...

This file needs to be created using the provided template.

Once you have schema.sql and exam_solved.sql files, you can add those to sql-gh:

sql-gh> add exam_name default path/to/schema.sql path/to/exam_solved.sql
Template exam generated in ~/.sql-gh/projects/exam_name/exam_template.sql
Please provide this template to students.
Once they have finished, copy all the <student_name.sql> files to ~/.sql-gh/projects/exam_name/01_students_exams and execute `hint exam_name` command to get partial grades

This produces the exam_template.sql file which contains only exam questions.

You will give schema.sql and example_template.sql to your students so they can take the test. After they have done it, you'll have one student_name.sql for each student you have.


--> 1

1. Get a sales list ordered in such a way the most
recent sale is shown first.
Include columns:
 - date
 - customer first name
 - customer last name
 - product name
 - quantity

--> Answer:
SELECT "date", firstname, lastname, name, quantity
FROM sales, product, customer
WHERE sales.product_id = product.id and customer.id = sales.customer_id

--> 2

2. Insert a new product using this data:
 - Name  = Birthday Card Red Poppies
 - Price = 2.49

--> Answer:
INSERT INTO product VALUES (null, 'Birthday Card Red Poppies', 2.49);


--> 1

1. Get a sales list ordered in such a way the most
recent sale is shown first.
Include columns:
 - date
 - customer first name
 - customer last name
 - product name
 - quantity

--> Answer:
SELECT "date", firstname, lastname, name, quantity
FROM sales s join product p on s.product_id = p.id
join customer c on c.id = sales.customer_id
ORDER BY "date";

--> 2

2. Insert a new product using this data:
 - Name  = Birthday Card Red Poppies
 - Price = 2.49

--> Answer:
INSERT INTO product (name, price)
VALUES ('Birthday Card Red Popies', 2.49);

You need to copy student files to ~/.sql-gh/projects/exam_name/01_students_exams, then you run:

sql-gh> hint exam_name
Hints generated correctly in file
Edit this file and assign marks to all exercises.
Once you are done execute `mark exam_name`

This will give you the exercises_with_hints.sql file:

--> Exercise   : 1
--> Student    : bob
--> sql-gh info:
-->     Code executes  : False
-->     Execution error: no such column: sales.customer_id
-->     Result matches solution: False
-->     Result matches solution ignoring order: False
-->     Result contains same number of rows as solution: False
-->     Result contains same number of cols as solution: False
--> Score      : <score>
--> Feedback   : <feedback>
--> Answer     :
SELECT "date", firstname, lastname, name, quantity
FROM sales s join product p on s.product_id = p.id
join customer c on c.id = sales.customer_id
ORDER BY "date";

--> Exercise   : 1
--> Student    : alice
--> sql-gh info:
-->     Code executes  : True
-->     Execution error: 
-->     Result matches solution: False
-->     Result matches solution ignoring order: True
-->     Result contains same number of rows as solution: True
-->     Result contains same number of cols as solution: True
--> Score      : <score>
--> Feedback   : <feedback>
--> Answer     :
SELECT "date", firstname, lastname, name, quantity
FROM sales, product, customer
WHERE sales.product_id = product.id and customer.id = sales.customer_id

--> Exercise   : 2
--> Student    : 04_student_exam_bob
--> sql-gh info:
-->     Code executes  : True
-->     Execution error: 
-->     Result matches solution: False
-->     Result matches solution ignoring order: False
-->     Result contains same number of rows as solution: True
-->     Result contains same number of cols as solution: True
--> Score      : <score>
--> Feedback   : <feedback>
--> Answer     :
INSERT INTO product (name, price)
VALUES ('Birthday Card Red Popies', 2.49);

--> Exercise   : 2
--> Student    : 04_student_exam_alice
--> sql-gh info:
-->     Code executes  : True
-->     Execution error: 
-->     Result matches solution: True
-->     Result matches solution ignoring order: True
-->     Result contains same number of rows as solution: True
-->     Result contains same number of cols as solution: True
--> Score      : <score>
--> Feedback   : <feedback>
--> Answer     :
INSERT INTO product VALUES (null, 'Birthday Card Red Poppies', 2.49);

sql-gh executes each student answer and presents the execution information in this file. You need to edit this file and replace and marks by the appropriate score/feedback.

Once you are done:

sql-gh> mark exam_name

Will extract the score and feedback information and put it back in the original students' exam files.

Instead of hint and mark, you can use magic_autoscore. That will assign scores automatically.

Supported RDBMS

  • SQLite
  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL


You need Python 3 and a few modules.



$ sudo apt install python3-mysql.connector python3-psycopg2


Fist, you need to install python3: https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/


> python -m pip install --upgrade pip
> python -m pip install pyreadline
> python -m pip install mysql.connector
> python -m pip install mysql-connector-python
> python -m pip install psycopg2


sql-gh doesn't require an installation. Simply download sql-gh and execute it:

$ git clone https://github.com/DavidEGx/sql-gh.git
$ cd sql-gh
$ python3 ./sql-gh.py

or get dist file:

$ wget https://github.com/DavidEGx/sql-gh/dist/sqlgh-current.tar.gz
$ tar xzvf sqlgh-current.tar.gz
$ cd sqlgh
$ python3 ./sql-gh.py


  • David Escribano García


This project is licensed under the European Public License (EUPL) - see the LICENSE file for details