Some random plugins for home automation. I mainly am working on BixLIFXConsole
this console app simply controls your LIFX bulbs. It listens on a http port to control the lights. It listens on all IP address on port 9105 The commands it supports are
- ListLights=1 - List all the discovered LIFX bulbs
- ListColors=1 - List all the supported colors.
- Power=On/Off/Toggle - As it says
- Dim=20 - 1-100 to dim a light
- Color= - Sets a color ,This can be kelvin (2500-9000), HTML hex (#RRGGBB) or a name Red/LawnGreen
- Light= - The LIFX light name. this can also be ALL or if you dont use a full name it will match (StartOf) any bulb label to that value. So "Office Light" will work on a bulb called "Office Light" or all bulbs starting with "Office Light" in their label
- UpdateState=1 - Force a state update (useful if the bulbs were modified outside of this program)
- Log=1 - Show the last 100 log entries
- Status=1 - Show the status of all the bulbs
- UpdateState=1 - Update the state of all the bulbs
http://localhost:9105/?Light=Office Light 1&Power=On&Dim=80&Color=Pink - Turn on "Office Light 1", set the DIM to 80% and make the color pink**
http://localhost:9105/?Light=Office Light&Power=Toggle - Toggle the light state for all lights starting with "Office Light"**
http://localhost:9105/?Light=Office Light&Power=On&Dim=80&Color=2700 - Turn on all "Office Light"s Dim to 80% and make it a white color of kelvin 2700**
So the cool thing is you can use any home automation software to simply trigger this. I have Amazon Echo Bridge ( running with some bindings for the bulbs. This way alexa can control them. I also have homeseer using it with some virtual bulbs.
- Name "Office Light 1" - bulb label
- Device type TCP
Dim URL${intensity.percent}
Then i can have alexa power or dim the bulb
Homeseer: create a dimable virtual device and create an event to pass the state change to a homeseer script. The event executes the script on a value changed with:
- Sub: LightParseCommand
- Parameters: Office Light 1
Here is the script: The script (C#):
using System.Net;
using HomeSeerAPI;
using Scheduler;
using Scheduler.Classes;
private const string BaseUrl = @"";
public object LightCommand(string command)
var page = BaseUrl + command;
hs.WriteLog("Info", "Sending " + page);
System.Net.WebClient webClient = new System.Net.WebClient();
string response = webClient.DownloadString(page);
return 0;
Contorl your TP wall plugs and light switches
TPLinkConsole.exe ON