
This is an automated test I wrote to check if links have the proper destination, fonts are corrects , etc

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Automated Testing with Nightwatch JS


  1. Make sure you've got the latest Browser Drivers for your OS in the ./bin directory (Chrome, Gecko, Edge).
  2. Same thing for Selenium Server Standalone located in the .bin directory. Note the latest version isn't working with Firefox. You need to test the testing tool!
  3. From project root, cd tests and then npm install.

Running locally with npm

  1. Confirm you read the installation section above.
  2. From project root, cd tests and then npm run test to run both firefox and chrome tests in parallel.

Running remotely with npm

  1. Confirm you read the installation section above.
  2. For DEV Server: From project root, cd tests and then npm run testDev.
  3. For STAGE Server: From project root, cd tests and then npm run testStage.

Running with nightwatch

  1. For this trick, you need to be able to run nightwatch from command line, either install it globally or something from here.
  • To run on local: nightwatch -e default,firefox (default is chrome)
  • To run on dev: nightwatch -e dev,firefox
  • To run on stage: nightwatch -e stage,firefox


  1. See nightwatch.json, it's all there.