
My solution of Infinite Monkey Theorem using Genetic programming

Primary LanguagePython


My solution of Infinite Monkey Theorem using Genetic programming

Run ShakespeareMonkeyExample.py


The “infinite monkey theorem” is stated as follows: A monkey hitting keys randomly on a typewriter will eventually type the complete works of Shakespeare (given an infinite amount of time). The problem with this theory is that the probability of said monkey actually typing Shakespeare is so low that even if that monkey started at the Big Bang, it’s unbelievably unlikely we’d even have Hamlet at this point.

The point of all these unfathomably large numbers is not to give you a headache, but to demonstrate that a brute force algorithm (typing every possible random phrase) is not a reasonable strategy for arriving randomly at “to be or not to be”.

So I am using genetic algorithms, which will show that we can still start with random phrases and find the solution through simulated evolution.