
Repo for software engineering project

Primary LanguageJava

This is the repo for CS 3365 Software Engineering Project Release 2.
Team Members: David Hoefs, Ilir Tairi, Javier Vasquez, and Cole Trammel 

Features Implemented for Release 3:
1. The game of Texas Hold em
  The code for the game can be found in CardGames.java. Supporting classes are Card.java, Deck.java, Hand.java This includes a command line implementation of Blackjack. 
2. The GUI for the game Texas holdem
  A GUI was created to play the game of blackjack based on the code from CardGames.java.
  The files used in creating the GUI are BlackjackGame.java, CS3365_Project1.java, FXMLDocument.fxml and FXMLDocumentController.java (For start menu),
3. Betting was added for both games

4. A leader board was added
  The more chips you win through betting the higher you are in the leader boards