
VSCode and Text Selection

Opened this issue · 8 comments

Thanks so much for all your work on the package, incredibly useful. I know you are really busy, but thought I would leave the ticket open for future reference.

First of all, there were some talks about implementing Jumpy in VSCode - the current version is unmaintained and does not look nearly as good as this one.

Secondly, it would be great if you could add text selection option like in MetaGo - basically select all text between the cursor and the jump spots end of word.

Many thanks for considering this!

I'm currently working on a new version, that uses a core component (state machine) that I intend to share for a VS Code version. I'm pretty sure I have more features, and yes, it doesn't seem very well maintained. I was thinking of calling it VSJumpy. The author might transfer over the name, not sure / doubt it. MS might not like doing that. I'd call it 'Jumpy2' but that makes it look like mine wasn't the original, which is just weird. I don't know how long it will take, but I ported all of Jumpy to Typescript a release or 2 ago in part to make way for VS Code. The architecture has been moving towards being able to try and support the 2 for a little while.

Explain exactly what you mean, I haven't used MetaGo...Jumpy on atom lets you keep selections. It's quite easy with 'v' in vim-mode, but also works when a selection is started with a key in non vim-mode (no mouse needed).

Great to hear that VS Code is in the roadmap, much appreciated! VSJumpy sounds good if the name transfer is not possible.

Ah, I was not aware that Jumpy keeps the selection while jumping. MetaGo basically select everything between the cursor and the jump point. What I had in mind is a separate function (so that it can be mapped to a different key binding) that selects everything between the cursor and jump site. In those cases, the jump sites would be end of words and blank lines. This is not a high priority request, but would be a great addition once you are done with other bits.

Again, thanks for your work on this!

Unfortunately, I now absolutely nothing about web stack, but hopefully someone else can contribute. enjoy the rest of your holiday!

N1ck commented

Hey @DavidLGoldberg , big fan of jumpy. I tried https://github.com/wmaurer/vscode-jumpy since switching to VS Code, but it wasn't quite at the level of your library. Just wondering if you are still planning on releasing a version for VS Code?

@N1ck Thanks for the love.

I have put this off for a while. Which is a shame, since I did a lot of the leg work by porting to Typescript / elm.

I just got done with some stuff and I am thinking of getting seriously started on this very soon!

@N1ck If you happen to still be using VS Code and interested:

Sorry for the delays, but I do plan on supporting this, and it's almost parity with Atom, important features, sans tab and tree view jumps, which look difficult with VS Code.

Please rate it 5 stars, star the GH if you like it :)

Oh yeah there's a Youtube video you can subscribe/like too hah!

N1ck commented

@DavidLGoldberg 😍 Amazing! Looking forward to trying it 🌟