The fastest way to jump around files and across visible panes in Atom
- 8
VSCode and Text Selection
#116 opened - 6
Update README with similar projects
#67 opened by DavidLGoldberg - 0
Announcing Jumpy2 (Jumpy, but for VS Code)
#122 opened by DavidLGoldberg - 2
Uncaught SyntaxError: Failed to execute 'querySelector' on 'Element': '[data-path='~/elixir_proje...
#121 opened by hugohernani - 1
Uncaught SyntaxError: Failed to execute 'querySelector' on 'Element': '[data-path='~/Desktop/GitH...
#120 opened by malikrajbir - 1
OMG Wow!!!
#119 opened by gee-forr - 1
- 11
Discussing PR for performance improvement, better support for many labels, vim-mode-plus integration and others
#114 opened by rixo - 2
How to scroll down?
#113 opened by Nxt3 - 2
Jump to `letter` like ace jump (emacs)
#112 opened by am - 7
- 1
Performance when lots of labels
#110 opened by DavidLGoldberg - 2
Focus only on active window/panel
#109 opened by yangwao - 62
Poor performance with Atom v1.21.2
#108 opened by DavidLGoldberg - 2
suggestion: activate on only current line?
#107 opened by ericychoi - 3
Keyboard shortcut not working on startup
#100 opened by rparrapy - 1
- 1
Make character codes be more keyboard friendly
#105 opened by gytdau - 1
- 0
Fix beta build
#101 opened by DavidLGoldberg - 1
Jump around two opened windows
#99 opened by RichardIvan - 12
Failed to activate the jumpy package
#94 opened by weijarz - 2
#88 opened by Blake-LeBlanc - 0
- 3
Failed to activate the jumpy package
#59 opened by basarat - 9
Beacon broken as of 0.208.0
#64 opened by DavidLGoldberg - 6
can't find the keybindings in the setting
#86 opened by kalaxiya - 2
Make Selection
#89 opened by antonbrams - 1
Support multiple selections
#87 opened by LukeChannings - 1
Control the whole Interface
#90 opened by antonbrams - 0
TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of null
#84 opened by despairblue - 1
- 1
Long lines crossing panes (as of 3.0.0)
#81 opened by DavidLGoldberg - 7
404: v3.0.0 Not Found
#82 opened by eviljoe - 6
- 21
Refactoring, Performance improvement
#65 opened by t9md - 3
- 36
I don't see any text high-light
#79 opened by polamin - 11
Not showing for JS files
#77 opened by eighteyes - 4
Find and jumpy
#76 opened by slavaGanzin - 6
blank label
#69 opened by Cifer-Y - 0
- 3
Why is this line not given a jump-point?
#73 opened by tofagerl - 3
- 2
- 3
Jump to ends of lines and empty lines
#68 opened by willyvvu - 7
- 1
Style elements within text editors using the `atom-text-editor::shadow` selector or the `.atom-text-editor.less` file extension.If you want to target overlay elements, target them directly or as descendants of `atom-overlay` elements.
#61 opened by YoheiShibuya - 0
Style elements within text editors using the `atom-text-editor::shadow` selector or the `.atom-text-editor.less` file extension.If you want to target overlay elements, target them directly or as descendants of `atom-overlay` elements.
#62 opened by lazdmx - 2