Cache it Chrome Extension

This is a project add on to a larger application called cache it. That application allows users to save information they find interesting, along with a URL and a 'tag'. This chrome extension allows users to do this from outside the application. Users can highlight text from any website and send it directly to our main application.


We wanted to add something unique to our project, and felt this would be a good way to explore new technologies and add a useful feature to the application. Furthermore we believed that an application designed for users to store data should not require users be on the webiste when saving information. This user experience pitfall is overcome by our chrome extension, as it enables this core feature of our app to remain functional from any browser window.

Tech/framework used

  • Javascript
  • Chrome API

Installation and Usage

If you want to use this app, you have to add the extension to your browser.

  1. Fork the repository and clone it to your local machine (make sure you know what folder the files are in).
  2. Head to your browser, click the three vertical dots in the upper right hand corner. Then click 'more tools', and then 'extensions'.
  3. Turn on developer mode, and then click 'load unpacked' in the top left corner. The extension should now be in your browser beside the searh bar.
  4. Right click the extension and then click 'options' and this will bring you to a screen where you can set which 'tag' you would like to use for data you are going to save to the application.
  5. Once this is done you can highlight text on any screen, right click the screen and hit 'save to cache-it'. This will store the informtion you higlighted, with the URL of the page, and the tag you chose during configuration.
  6. If you want to change the tag, just repeat step 4.