Node practice projects

This repository is a collection of practice projects used for enhancing proficiency with mainly Node.js, as well as Express.js, MongoDB, and

  • Chat Application

    • Users can join rooms and send messages to each other
    • Program tracks users who are online
  • Task manager

    • Allows the users to store tasks, and add pictures to each task
    • Data persistency achieved with Mongoose/MongoDB

Example Screenshot

Basic Usage

Chat app

Tech/framework used

Built with


If you want to try the chat app on your local computer, or make your own copy:

First Install some necessary tools

1. Fork the repository and clone it into a folder on your computer. 
2. Navgiate to the root directory (cd chat-app) and run 'npm install' in the terminal'.
3. Navigate into the 'src' directory (cd src) and run the command 'node index.js' in the termal.
4. Open a browser and head to localhost:3000, and the app should display!
5. Open another browser and head to the same URL to see the chat funcitonality at work.