Dual Core example for STM32H7

Example demonstrating STM32H7 Dual Core setup and running a simple Blinky application.



  • Keil MDK 5.36
  • Arm Compiler 6
  • bash environment
  • CMSIS-Toolbox 0.9.3

CMISIS packs:

  • Keil::STM32H7xx_DFP@3.0.0

Step 0 (Subdirectory 0): .uv* based project

Original reference example:

  • copied from STM32H7 DFP
  • using uVision project files
  • working STM32CubeMX integration
  • STM32CubeMX generated code (device configuration)

Step 1 (Subdirectory 1): .yml based project

Example using CMSIS project .yml files:

  • copied from subdirectory 0
  • uVision workspace file replaced with csolution .yml file (manually constructed)
  • uVision project files replaced with cproject .yml files (manually constructed)
  • STM32CubeMX integration retained
  • removed download/debug initialization files

Step 1G (Subdirectory 1G): .yml based project without initial generator run

Similar as Step 1 but without initial STM32CubeMX generator run.

Example using CMSIS project .yml files:

  • copied from subdirectory 1
  • removed STM32CubeMX generated files:
    • directory: ./CM4/STM32CubeMX
    • directory: ./CM7/STM32CubeMX
    • directory: ./STM32CubeMX

Change to subdirectory 1G:
$ cd 1G

List generator for CM4 target:
$ csolution list generators -s DualCore.csolution.yml -c CM4.Debug+CM4
$ csolution list generators -s DualCore.csolution.yml -c CM4.Release+CM4

List generator for CM7 target:
$ csolution list generators -s DualCore.csolution.yml -c CM7.Debug+CM7
$ csolution list generators -s DualCore.csolution.yml -c CM7.Release+CM7

Run generator for a single context (any of the commands below):
csolution run -g STM32CubeMX_CM4 -s DualCore.csolution.yml -c CM4.Debug+CM4
csolution run -g STM32CubeMX_CM4 -s DualCore.csolution.yml -c CM4.Release+CM4
csolution run -g STM32CubeMX_CM7 -s DualCore.csolution.yml -c CM7.Debug+CM7
csolution run -g STM32CubeMX_CM7 -s DualCore.csolution.yml -c CM7.Release+CM7

STM32CubeMX will generate all the files (CM4, CM7 and common) regardless of the context.

STM32CubeMX launcher issue:
Launcher cannot handle filenames with multiple '.' (ex: CM4.Debug+CM4.cprj). Therefore some files will be created in the drive root directory in subdirectory CM4 and CM7.

Note: .cprj file is currently required by the launcher. Should be changed to .yml file.

Step 1X (Subdirectory 1X): .yml based future project (proposal)

Proposal for DualCore directory structure (natural and clean concept).

Similar as Step 1 but with different project structure.

Note: not compatible with current STM32CubeMX and integration with MDK

Example using CMSIS project .yml files:

  • copied from subdirectory 1
  • restructured directories:
    • all CM4 target files in CM4 project directory
    • all CM7 target files in CM7 project directory
    • common ST project .ioc file in solution directory
  • STM32CubeMX integration not retained

Step 2 (Subdirectory 2): .cprj within source tree

Copy from subdirectory 1:
$ cp -r 1 2

Change to subdirectory 2:
$ cd 2

Generate CMSIS project .cprj files using CMSIS Project Manager:
$ csolution convert -s DualCore.csolution.yml

Generated .cprj files:

  • CM4/CM4.Debug+CM4.cprj:
    • Target: Board STM32H747I-EVAL, Device STM32H747XIHx:CM4
    • Build: Debug
  • CM4/CM4.Release+CM4.cprj:
    • Target: Board STM32H747I-EVAL, Device STM32H747XIHx:CM4
    • Build: Release
  • CM7/CM7.Debug+CM7.cprj:
    • Target: Board STM32H747I-EVAL, Device STM32H747XIHx:CM7
    • Build: Debug
  • CM7/CM7.Release+CM7.cprj:
    • Target: Board STM32H747I-EVAL, Device STM32H747XIHx:CM7
    • Build: Release

Note: STM32CubeMX integration retained

CMSIS projects can be built using CMSIS-Build:
$ cbuild.sh CM4/CM4.Debug+CM4.cprj
$ cbuild.sh CM4/CM4.Release+CM4.cprj
$ cbuild.sh CM7/CM7.Debug+CM7.cprj
$ cbuild.sh CM7/CM7.Release+CM7.cprj

CMSIS projects can also be imported in uVision.
Following project settings needs to be changed in order to build it with uVision:

  • Options for Target - C/C++ (AC6) - Language: c99
  • Options for Target - C/C++ (AC6) - Warnings: AC5-like Warnings

Note: Debugger is not automatically selected (selection based on board is not working)

Step 2X (Subdirectory 2X): .cprj within source tree (future project)

Similar as Step 2 but with different project structure (derived from Step 1X).

Copy from subdirectory 1X:
$ cp -r 1X 2X

Change to subdirectory 2X:
$ cd 2X

Generate CMSIS project .cprj files using CMSIS Project Manager:
$ csolution convert -s DualCore.csolution.yml

Note: STM32CubeMX integration not retained

CMSIS projects can be built using CMSIS-Build:
$ cbuild.sh CM4/CM4.Debug+CM4.cprj
$ cbuild.sh CM4/CM4.Release+CM4.cprj
$ cbuild.sh CM7/CM7.Debug+CM7.cprj
$ cbuild.sh CM7/CM7.Release+CM7.cprj

CMSIS projects can also be imported in uVision.

Step 2O (Subdirectory 2O): .cprj out-of source tree

Change to subdirectory 1:
$ cd 1

Generate CMSIS project .cprj files in specified output directory using CMSIS Project Manager:
$ csolution convert -s DualCore.csolution.yml -o ../3

Generated project directories:

  • CM4.Debug+CM4: project for CM4 target (Debug)
  • CM4.Release+CM4: project for CM4 target (Release)
  • CM7.Debug+CM7: project for CM7 target (Debug)
  • CM7.Release+CM7: project for CM7 target (Release)

csolution issues:

  • generator .gpdsc file processing fails which results in generated files not copied

Note: all files need to specified in order to be copied to the output directory

Note: STM32CubeMX integration not retained due to incompatible directory structure

Step 3 (Subdirectory 3): .yml based project with layers (proposal)


  • _layer_: directory with layer repo (eventually part of pack and described in .pdsc)
  • CM4: Project for CM4 target
  • CM7: Project for CM7 target

Layer description example in .pdsc:

  <clayer type="Board" board="STM32H747I-EVAL" name="./CM4/Board/STM32H747I-EVAL/Board.clayer.yml" directory="./_layer_/Board/STM32H747I-EVAL" condition="CM4"/>
  <clayer type="Board" board="STM32H747I-EVAL" name="./CM7/Board/STM32H747I-EVAL/Board.clayer.yml" directory="./_layer_/Board/STM32H747I-EVAL" condition="CM7"/>

Composed project should use similar directory structure as Step 2 and is described in Step 4.

Note: csolution convert currently cannot be used to generated the desired directory structure

Step 4 (Subdirectory 4): .cprj for project with layers (proposal)

Composed project from Step 3 (currently manually constructed):

  • find Board clayer from .pdsc (evaluate conditions)
  • create subdirectory <board_directory>=<layer_type>/<layer_board> in project directory
  • copy layer .yml file to <board_directory> subdirectory
  • copy RTE directory (from layer .yml directory) to project directory
  • process .yml file and copy referenced file (retain directory tree)

Note: STM32CubeMX integration retained (requires updated STM32H7 DFP)

Step 5 (Subdirectory 5): .cprj for project with layers (enhanced proposal)

Derived from Step 4 (currently manually constructed):

  • ftl generated files are moved to common STM32CubeMX directory (with adjusted path for files)
  • common STM32CubeMX directory renamed to STM32CubeMX (from STCubeGenerated)

Note: STM32CubeMX integration retained (requires updated STM32H7 DFP and STM32CubeMX launcher)