
Collection of the latest, greatest, deep learning optimizers (for Pytorch) - CNN, NLP suitable

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Collection of the latest, greatest, deep learning optimizers (for Pytorch) - CNN, NLP suitable

Current top performers = Ranger with Gradient Centralization is the leader (April 11/2020) this is only on initial testing.

Updates - AdaHessian, the first 'it really works and works really well' second order optimizer added:

August 2020 - I tested AdaHessian last month on work datasets and it performed extremely well. It's like training with a guided missile compared to most other optimizers. The big caveat is you will need about 2x the normal GPU memory to run it vs running with a 'first order' optimizer. I am trying to get a Titan GPU with 24GB GPU memory just for this purpose atm.

new version of Ranger with highest accuracy to date for all optimizers tested: April 11 - New version of Ranger released (20.4.11), highest score for accuracy to date.

Ranger has been upgraded to use Gradient Centralization. See: https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.01461 and github: https://github.com/Yonghongwei/Gradient-Centralization

It will now use GC by default, and run it for both conv layers and fc layers. You can turn it on or off with "use_gc" at init to test out the difference on your datasets. (image from gc github).

The summary of gradient centralization: "GC can be viewed as a projected gradient descent method with a constrained loss function. The Lipschitzness of the constrained loss function and its gradient is better so that the training process becomes more efficient and stable."

Note - for optimal accuracy, make sure you use run with a flat lr for some time and then cosine descent the lr (72% - 28% descent), or if you don't have an lr framework... very comparable results by running at one rate for 75%, then stop and decrease lr, and run remaining 28%.

Usage - GC on by default but you can control all aspects at init:

Ranger will print settings at first init so you can confirm optimization is set the way you want it:

Future work: MARTHE, HyperAdam and other optimizers will be tested and posted if they look good.

12/27 - added DiffGrad, and unofficial version 1 support (coded from the paper).
12/28 - added Diff_RGrad = diffGrad + Rectified Adam to start off....seems to work quite well.

Medium article (summary and FastAI example usage): https://medium.com/@lessw/meet-diffgrad-new-deep-learning-optimizer-that-solves-adams-overshoot-issue-ec63e28e01b2

Official diffGrad paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1909.11015v2

12/31 - AdaMod and DiffMod added. Initial SLS files added (but more work needed).

In Progress:

A - Parabolic Approximation Line Search: https://arxiv.org/abs/1903.11991v2

B - Stochastic Line Search (SLS): pending (needs param group support)

c - AvaGrad

General papers of relevance:

Does Adam stick close to the optimal point? https://arxiv.org/abs/1911.00289v1

Probabalistic line searches for stochastic optimization (2017, matlab only but good theory work): https://arxiv.org/abs/1703.10034v2