
A tool for calling (and calling out to) large language models.

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Grazier: Easily call Large Language Models from a unified API

Grazier is a Python library for easily calling large language models from a unified API.

Supported Large Models

From OpenAI:

  • GPT-4 (Base, 32K) (Chat and Completion Engines)
  • GPT-3.5 (ChatGPT) (Chat and Completion Engines)
  • GPT-3 (Davinci (v2,v3), Ada, Babbage, Curie) (Completion Engine)

From Anthropic:

  • Claude 2 (Base) (Chat and Completion Engines)
  • Claude (Base, 100K) (Chat and Completion Engines)
  • Claude Instant (Base, 100K) (Chat and Completion Engines)

From Google/GCP:

  • PaLM (Chat and Completion Engines)

From Huggingface

  • GPT-2 (Base, Medium, Large, XL) (Completion Engine)
  • GPT-Neo (125M, 1.3B, 2.7B) (Completion Engine)
  • GPT-J (6B) (Completion Engine)
  • Falcon (7B, 40B, rw-1B, rw-7B) (Completion Engine)
  • Dolly (v1 - 6B, v2 - 3B, 7B, 12B) (Chat and Completion Engines)
  • MPT (Instruct - 7B, 30B) (Chat and Completion Engines)

From Facebook (via Huggingface)

  • Llama (7B, 13B, 30B, 65B) (Completion Engine)
  • Llama 2 (7B, 13B, 70B) (Completion Engine)
  • OPT (125M, 350M, 1.3B, 2.7B, 6.7B, 13B, 30B, 66B) (Completion Engine)

From Stanford (via Huggingface)

  • Alpaca (7B) (Chat and Completion Engines)

From Berkeley (via Huggingface)

  • Koala (7B, 13B_v1, 13B_v2) (Chat and Completion Engines)
  • Vicuna (7B, 13B) (Chat and Completion Engines)

From StabilityAI (via Huggingface)

  • StableLM (7B, 13B) (Chat and Completion Engines)

From AllenAI (via Huggingface)

  • Tulu (7B, 13B, 30B, 65B) (Chat and Completion Engines)
  • Open Instruct (ShareGPT) (7B, 13B, 30B, 65B) (Chat and Completion Engines)

From AI21

  • Jurassic 2 (Light, Mid, Ultra) (Completion Engines)

Image/Language Models:

  • Blip2 (2.7B, 6.7B) (Image + Text Engine)
  • Open Flamingo (3B, 4B, 9B) (Image + Text Engine)


Grazier can easily be installed using pip:

pip install grazier

Each of the LLMs may need additional setup, which you can find in the engine setup section below.


For completion engines, it's as simple as:

import grazier

['gptj-6B', 'gpt2', 'gpt2-med', 'gpt2-lg', 'gpt2-xl', 'distilgpt2', 'gptneo-125M', 'gptneo-1.3B', 'gptneo-2.7B', 'stablelm-3B', 'stablelm-7B', 'opt-125M', 'opt-350M', 'opt-1.3b', 'opt-2.7b', 'opt-6.7b', 'opt-13b', 'opt-30b', 'opt-66b', 'llama-7B', 'llama-13B', 'llama-30B', 'llama-65B', 'gpt3-davinci3', 'gpt3-davinci2', 'gpt3-curie', 'gpt3-babbage', 'gpt3-ada', 'palm']
gpt2 = grazier.get("gpt2")
completion = gpt2("I enjoy walking with my cute dog, but sometimes he gets scared and")

For chat engines, all you need to do is add the type="chat" parameter:

from grazier import Conversation, Speaker, get, list_models

conversation = Conversation()
conversation.add_turn("You are a funny person.", speaker=Speaker.SYSTEM)
conversation.add_turn("Hi, how are you?", speaker=Speaker.USER)
conversation.add_turn("I am doing well, how about you?", speaker=Speaker.AI)
conversation.add_turn("What are you planning to do today?", speaker=Speaker.USER)

['claude', 'claude-100k', 'claude-instant', 'claude-instant-100k', 'bard', 'koala-7b', 'koala-13b-v1', 'koala-13b-v2', 'vicuna-7b', 'vicuna-13b', 'alpaca-13b', 'chat-gpt', 'gpt4', 'gpt4-32k', 'stablelm-3b', 'stablelm-7b', 'palm']
gpt4 = get("gpt4", type="chat")
next_turn = gpt4(conversation)

For vision-augmented (image) engines, use type="image"

import grazier
from PIL import Image

['blip2-opt-2.7b', 'blip2-opt-6.7b', 'blip2-opt-2.7b-coco', 'blip2-opt-6.7b-coco', 'blip2-flan-t5-xl', 'blip2-flan-t5-xxl', 'blip2-flan-t5-xl-coco', 'openflamingo-3b-vitl-mpt1b', 'openflamingo-3b-vitl-mpt1b-dolly', 'openflamingo-9b-vitl-mpt7b', 'openflamingo-4b-vitl-rpj3b']
blip2 = grazier.get("blip2-opt-2.7b", type="image")

image = Image.open('test_data/dog.jpg')
completion = blip2(image, "A photo of")


Individual Engine Setup

Each engine may require some specific details to be passed in. For example, OpenAI engines require an API key. These details are generally set up with environment variables.

OpenAI Engines

For OpenAI engines, you will need to set the OPENAI_API_KEY and OPENAI_API_ORG environment variables. You can find your API key and organization ID on the OpenAI dashboard. You can set these environment variables in your shell or in a .env file in the root of your project. For example, in a .env file, you would have:

OPENAI_API_KEY=<your key>
OPENAI_API_ORG=<your org id>

or on the command line:

export OPENAI_API_KEY=<your key>
export OPENAI_API_ORG=<your org id>

Anthropic Engines

For Anthropic engines, you will need to set the ANTHROPIC_API_KEY environment variable. You can find your API key at the Anthropic dashboard. You can set this environment variable in your shell or in a .env file in the root of your project. For example, in a .env file, you would have:


or on the command line:

export ANTHROPIC_API_KEY=<your key>

Vertex Engines (PaLM)

For Google engines, we use the Vertex cloud API, which requires a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) project. You can create a GCP project at the GCP console. You will also need to enable the Vertex AI API for your project, set up a services account, and download the account JSON credentials. You can find instructions for that following steps 1 to 6 of the tutorial here. Finally, you will need to set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable to the path of the JSON file. You can set this environment variable in your shell or in a .env file in the root of your project. For example, in a .env file, you would have:


or on the command line:



For the Bard engine, you will need to get your Bard __Secure-1PSID and __Secure-1PSIDTS tokens. Get the value of this variable by first going to https://bard.google.com/, then log in, press F12 for console, and go to the "Application" tab, then "Cookies", then copy the value of the "__Secure-1PSID" and "__Secure-1PSIDTS" cookies. You can then set the environment variables:

BARD__Secure_1PSID=<your session id>
BARD__Secure_1PSIDTS=<your session id timestamp>

Huggingface Engines

Most of the huggingface engines require no additional setup, however, some of the larger models require a GPU to run with any kind of efficiency (and some require multiple GPUs with large amounts of memory). You can find more details about the requirements for each model on the Huggingface model hub.

Llama, Alpaca, Koala, Vicuna and AllenAI Engines

For these engines, you will need to obtain and postprocess the weights yourself (due to Facebook's licensing). You can find the instructions for doing so on each model page:

Once the weights have been downloaded and processed, you can set the following environment variables to the root directory containing a folder for each variant (The format is, {root_dir}/{model-prefix}/weights.bin, the root directory would be root_dir, and the model-prefix is the name of the model, e.g. tulu-65b):

LLAMA_WEIGHTS_ROOT=<path to the llama weights>
ALPACA_WEIGHTS_ROOT=<path to the alpaca weights>
KOALA_WEIGHTS_ROOT=<path to the koala weights>
VICUNA_WEIGHTS_ROOT=<path to the vicuna weights>
ALLENAI_WEIGHTS_ROOT=<path to the allenai weights>

AI21 Models (Jurassic)

For AI21 models, you will need to set the AI21_API_KEY environment variable. You can find your API key at the AI21 Studio Dashboard. You can set this environment variable in your shell or in a .env file in the root of your project. For example, in a .env file, you would have:

AI21_API_KEY=<your key>

or on the command line:

export AI21_API_KEY=<your key>


If you use grazier in your work, please cite:

  author = {David Chan},
  title = {grazier: Easily call Large Language Models from a unified API},
  year = {2023},
  publisher = {GitHub},
  journal = {GitHub repository},
  howpublished = {\url{


grazier is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.