Fake Time is a set of utilities for controlling the passage of time during a test run.
Useful scenarios for this library are:
- I am using a CancellationToken which should be automatically cancelled in X seconds
- I am using a timer, and I want to see how my class behaves as time progresses
- I need to call Task.Delay as part of my workflow
In all of the scenarios above, we would like our test run to be fast and predictable.
Using the library
We use dependancy injection to allow us control the passage of time during a test run. Delegates are provided to allow the fake to be injected during a test run, and the real implementation to be injected for production use.
Using FakeTime in your tests
Declare an instance of FakeTime for your test run:
FakeTime fakeTime = new FakeTime();
Set the current time (optional)
fakeTime.CurrentTime = new DateTime(2022, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
Move the time on in your test when you wish
// arrange
var delayTask = faketime.DelayAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
// act
// assert
await delayTask;
A more complex example using a real class
public async Task Execute_Always_RunsFastEvenAsync()
// arrange
var example =
new Example(
() => fakeTime.CurrentTime,
var executeTask = example.ExecuteAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
// act
// assert
await executeTask;
Using FakeTime in your classes
Inject the required functions into your class, if you wanted to inject everything it would look something like this.
public Example(ILogger<Example> logger, UtcNow utcNow, CreateTimer createTimer, TaskDelay taskDelay, CreateCancellationTokenSource createCancellationTokenSource)
this.logger = logger;
this.utcNow = utcNow;
this.createTimer = createTimer;
this.taskDelay = taskDelay;
this.createCancellationTokenSource = createCancellationTokenSource;
Using timer
public void StartTimer(TimeSpan timerTickPeriod)
this.timer = createTimer(); // remember to dispose this as appropriate
timer.Interval = timerTickPeriod.TotalMilliseconds;
timer.Elapsed += Timer_Elapsed;
private void Timer_Elapsed(object? sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
logger.LogTrace($"Timer elapsed at {utcNow()}");
Using CancellationTokenSource
public async Task UseCancellationToken(TimeSpan cancellationTimeout)
using var cts = createCancellationTokenSource(cancellationTimeout);
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();
using (cts.Token.Register(() => tcs.TrySetResult(new object())))
await tcs.Task;
logger.LogTrace($"Task was cancelled at {utcNow()}");
Using TaskDelay
public async Task UseTaskDelay(TimeSpan delayTimeout, CancellationToken ct = default)
// Using TaskDelay
await taskDelay(delayTimeout, ct);
logger.LogTrace($"Delay completed at {utcNow()}");
Registering for a test run
private FakeTime FakeTime { get; } = new FakeTime();
private static void AddTime(this IServiceCollection services)
services.AddSingleton<UtcNow>(() => FakeTime.CurrentTime);
Registering for production
private static void AddTime(this IServiceCollection services)
services.AddSingleton<UtcNow>(() => DateTime.UtcNow);
services.AddSingleton<CreateTimer>(() => new SystemTimer());
services.AddSingleton<TaskDelay>((t, ct) => Task.Delay(t, ct));
services.AddSingleton<CreateCancellationTokenSource>(t => new CancellationTokenSourceWrapper(t));
Due to the large number of implementations of Timer in .NET, we have chosen to use an abstraction and allow the user to implement the real ITimer. The ITimer interface maps exactly to the System.Timers.Timer class, and so if you're only using that implementation of Timer it can be implemented in 1 line of code:
public class SystemTimer : System.Timers.Timer, ITimer { }
At this time a wrapper for CancellationTokenSource is not provided. This can be implemented in 1 line of code.
public class CancellationTokenSourceWrapper : CancellationTokenSource, ICancellationTokenSource { }
- The Fake CancellationTokenSource
method does not support 0 or -1 values like the real CancellationTokenSource
- Setting FakeTime.CurrentTime does not have any effect on the other Fakes being used, this is by design. Use the
method to advance time and see the effect on the fakes.