LCARS Home Assistant Dashboard

Based on william57m/homeassistant-dashboard.

Uses the LCARS CSS framework.

Getting started


npm run install

Run a development server

npm run start

Add the following entry to your configuration.yaml file:

  - name: lcars-panel
    sidebar_title: LCARS Panel
    sidebar_icon: mdi:react
    url_path: lcars-panel-dev
    js_url: http://host:port/main.js
    embed_iframe: true
      name: World

Restart Home Assistant.


To deploy it, you need to make a build

npm run build

This will generate a new build of the panel in the dist folder. Copy the content of this folder and place it in <home assistant config>/www/lcars-panel.

This will make it available from Home Assistant via the url /local/lcars-panel/main.js.

We then have to configure Home Assitant to use it:

  - name: lcars-panel
    sidebar_title: LCARS Panel
    sidebar_icon: mdi:react
    url_path: lcars-panel-prod
    js_url: /local/lcars-panel/main.js
    embed_iframe: true
      name: World