
E-Commerce App Codecademy portfolio project

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is the E-Commerce App Codecademy portfolio project.

Heroku deployment

The server can be found deployed to Heroku at https://fathomless-brushlands-45761.herokuapp.com/. Navigate to https://fathomless-brushlands-45761.herokuapp.com/api-docs to see the Swagger UI.

API documentation

Swagger UI documentation can be found by running the server and navigating to /api-docs.

A Postman collection of requests can be found in the ecom.postman_collection.json file which can be imported into Postman.


Variable Description
PORT Port that server listens on
SESSION_SECRET Secret that secures sessions
PG_USER Username for dev pg connection
PG_PASSWORD Password for dev pg connection
PG_HOST Host IP for dev pg connection
PG_DATABASE Database name for dev pg connection
DATABASE_URL Connection string for production pg connection
CLIENT_ORIGIN Origin of the client consumer of the API for CORS
STRIPE_SECRET_KEY Secret key for Stripe integration
GOOGLE_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID Google OAuth client ID for Google login

Future improvements

Future improvements could include but are not limited to:

  1. Refactoring repeated code in the test suites.
  2. Changing mocking technique in services/__mocks__/auth-service.js so as not require repeating code, perhaps using Rewire.
  3. Avoiding use of the LOWER function in the database query here to improve performance.
  4. Implement array of secret session keys so that keys can be periodically updated without immediately invalidating old sessions.
  5. Improve API error reporting.

Next steps

I've implemented a method for creating products through the API by posting to /products. This requires the user to be logged in as an admin, so I've created a boolean is_admin column in the database in the account table. The only way to change this value is by editing the database directly. Admin users can create products but other users are not allowed to use this route.