
A 2D java game with simple graphics library.

Primary LanguageJava

Space Neon Refactored


Project Description:

  • SpaceNeon is an open source game developed in 10 days by FranciscoInacio, AshDrumish, mcmatos, PauloPatoleia and myself. This project was a challenge presented to us during the <Academia de Código_> bootcamp that lasted 14 weeks from January 2019 to April 2019, and all of us had zero programming experience or any related knowledge. This game was developed with 4 weeks of programming "experience", and dit not come into full completion due to lack of time, experience and scalable/maintainable/design notions.

  • With Java as my language of choice, I've decided to refactor the code and in this project, I present a more complete, scalable and maintainable version of the game. Beside some design decisions (State, Strategy, Singleton, Factory), I've also used some features of Java 8 (Stream API, Lambda Expression and Method Reference) and Java 5 (Varargs). For more, just look at the code, please.

Possible enhancements:

  • Create the images, and add a life bar to final boss
  • Create more type of attacks to final boss
  • Refine the values of the enemies and power-up spawn logic

To play the game:

  • Download the release, and execute the jar on command line (java -jar).


  • Engine concept by filipesantoss and Tekman89

  • Background music by PlayOnLoop.com - Licensed under Creative Commons by Attribution 4.0

    No modifications were made on the following used musics:

    • Final Act
    • Gold Gryphons
    • Mad Run
    • Ninja Panda
    • Wacky Race
  • Game sound effects by SoundBible.com - Licensed under Creative Commons by Attribution 3.0

    No modifications were made on the following used effects:

    • Torpedo Impact - recorded by Mike Koenig
    • Bullet Whizzing By - recorded by Mike Koenig
    • Power-Up - recorded by KP