
一个集成环信IM的Flutter项目。(Flutter IM,Flutter即时通讯)

Primary LanguageDart

一个集成环信IM的Flutter项目。目前只是Android与flutter双向交互, 已完成功能:注册、登录、退出登录、自动登录、切换头像、切换主题、消息推送开关、搜索、添加好友、 系统消息推送、系统消息列表、消息删除、数据库存储,通知栏提醒、加入黑名单、移出黑名单、 删除好友、发送文本消息、发送图片(表情)消息、发送语音消息、发送小视频等

Getting Started(效果图

原理:原生集成环信IM SDK,利用MethodChannel和EventChannel,进行Flutter与原生的双向交互。

This project is a starting point for a Flutter application.

A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project:

For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.