
Data fetching, consolidation, processing and analytics to became the next GOD in fantasy football

Primary LanguagePython


Data fetching, consolidation, processing and analytics to became the next GOD in fantasy football


fetch pipelines

Pull data from API directly into 01_raw folder without changing original format

  • fetch-leagues: fetches all available leagues in the API
  • fetch-all-games: fetches game info for all available leagues
  • fetch-player-stats: fetches player stats by game for a league defined inparams:league_id that have not been fetched yet

pre-process pipelines

Pre-process raw data from 01_raw into 02_intermediate, converting it to tabular format

  • pre-process-leagues: pre-proceses all leagues into a single table
  • pre-process-games: pre-processes all fetched game info into a consolidated table
  • pre-process-players: pre-processes all player stats into a consolidated table

process pipelines

Process information into final format