sm64Import v0.1.1

This tool can be used to import .obj files, binary files, hex data, and tweaks into the Super Mario 64 ROM.

Required Tools:

  • nconvert.exe - Used to convert all different types of image files. This program needs to be in the same directory as sm64Import.exe. I can't legally include it in this project, but you can download it here:

Libraries used:

  • BMP.h - Used to decode .bmp files for textures
  • rapidXML.h - Used to parse .xml files for importing tweak files.

Preparing your ROM with SM64 Editor patches:

  • Use ApplyPPF3.exe to apply the obj_import195S ppf patch.
  • beh12-hack.bin & cmd17-hack.bin are both required to get a custom level to work
  • water-hack.bin is required for water boxes
  • LevelImporterPatches.xml tweak is used for minor improvements

sm64Import.exe -run "hacks/tools/ApplyPPF3.exe a "sm64.ext.z64" "obj_import195S.ppf"" -r "sm64.ext.z64" -a 0x101B84 -ib "hacks/beh12-hack.bin" -a 0x1202000 -ib "hacks/cmd17-hack.bin" -a 0x1203000 -ib "hacks/water-hack.bin" -it "tweaks/LevelImporterPatches.xml"

Importing over BOB example (Using this basic LevelScript.bin file):
sm64Import.exe -df t 0x4000 0x4000 0xBFFF 0xBFFF -8000 -r "sm64.ext.z64" -a 0x2AC0F8 -ih "00 10 00 19 01 8E 00 00 01 8E 20 00 19 00 00 1C" -a 0x18E1800 0x19001800 -c 0x1500 -ib "LevelScript.bin" -a 0x18F0000 0x0E000000 -c 0x150000 -s 500 -io "Import.obj" "" -a 0x18E1700 0x19001700 -c 0x100 -ig "Import.obj" 1 -put "Import.obj" col 0x18E014C


  • -a ROM_ADDRESS {SEG_POINTER} Set the base ROM address (and optional segmented pointer) to import to. The segmented pointer is required for importing obj files.
  • -c SIZE Sets the max data cap. If the following import data size is larger than this, then the program will return an error.
  • -center BOOLEAN Centers the follwing obj model(s) if true.
  • -ct DATA Allows you to add color to textures. DATA = "Name:Color:DarkScale". DarkScale is a float multiplier from the original color value that is used for lighting, so 0.8 would be 80% as bright as the set color.
    Example: -ct "TextureName:0xFF0000FF:0.8"
  • -df BOOLEAN X1_POS Z1_POS X2_POS Z2_POS Y_POS Creates a death floor for the level.
  • -ib BIN_PATH {OFFSET SIZE} {NAME} Import binary file into the ROM. Optional parameters for importing only a specific section of the file into the ROM. The optional NAME parameter is used with the -put cmd. Example: -ib "A_Binary_File.bin" 0x1000 0x10
  • -ig OBJ_NAME GEO_TYPE {NAME} Creates a geo layout from data from a previous -io cmd. GEOTYPE = 0 for objects & GEOTYPE = 1 for levels.
  • -ih HEX_STRING {NAME} Import raw hex from a string into the ROM. Example: -ih "FF 00 00 FF FF 00 00 FF"
  • -io OBJ_PATH {COL_DATA} {NAME} Import .obj file as f3d level data (Textures, colors, verticies, and f3d scripts). If you define the optional second parameter, {COL_DATA}, then collision data will be generated for the OBJ.
  • -ioc OBJ_PATH COL_DATA {NAME} Import .obj file as collision data. COL_DATA is for defining each material with a collision type. Note: You don't have to define every material with COL_DATA, the default value is set to 0 (enviorment default) for each material.
  • -it XML_PATH Imports a tweak file into the ROM.
  • -n NAME Sets the name for the next import. The name is used for the -put cmd.
  • -o OFFSET_X OFFSET_Y OFFSET_Z Set offset model/collision data.
  • -option OPTION VALUE Changes an importer value. Currently the only option to change is the vertex reduction level. Example: -option rvl 2 will set the vertex reduction level to 2.
  • -fog ENABLED {FOG_TYPE RED_VALUE GREEN_VALUE BLUE_VALUE} Enables/Disables fog in the current level.
  • -r ROM_PATH Defines the ROM to import data to
  • -run PROGRAM Runs a exe program with arguments.
  • -s SCALE_AMOUNT Scale factor for model.
  • -sv LIGHT_VALUE DARK_VALUE Set shading value for levels.
  • -sgm DATA Sets the geometry mode for a particular material. Example: -sgm "TextureName:0x00040000"
  • -tt DATA {EXTRA} Allows you to define the type of texture a material is, default type is rgba16. Example: -tt "TextureName:rgba32". The currently supported texture types are: RGBA16, RGBA32, I4, I8, IA4, IA8, and IA16. You can make I4 & I8 textures have an alpha mask by setting the optional {EXTRA} parameter to be "a" like this: -tt "i4_tex:i8:a"
  • -put NAME SEG_DATA ROM_ADDRESS {ADD_OFFSET} Puts the segmented pointer of SEG_Data into the ROM. Useful for updating pointers in your levelscript automatically. SEG_DATA can be (Names are not case-sensative): START, SOLID, ALPHA, TRANS, GEO, or COL
  • -vft BOOLEAN Flip all textures vertically if true.
  • -wb BOX_TYPE_ID X1_POS Z1_POS X2_POS Z2_POS HEIGHT Creates a water box in the level. Used with -io* & -ioc. *Water box data is grouped with collision data, so you have to define <COL_DATA> if your just using -io.
  • -wbc Clears the water box list.
  • -wd Imports water data for the current level. Note: You MUST import this at the segmented address 0x19001800 with the current patches.

MIT License. Copyright 2015 Davideesk.