Welcome to the Resume Processor Project 🚀

This project is a comprehensive resume processor that helps you extract, search, and compare resumes efficiently. 👋

Features ✨ Resume Uploading 📑: Easily upload resumes in various formats, including PDF, DOCX, and TXT.

Resume Parsing and Information Extraction 🔎: Extract key information from resumes, such as name, contact details, skills, and experience.

Resume Search and Filtering 🔍: Search for resumes using keywords, skills, experience, and more. Filter results based on specific criteria.

Resume Comparison ⚖️: Compare resumes side-by-side to identify the most suitable candidates for your openings.

Technologies 🛠️ Next.js 13 ⚛️: Build a performant and SEO-friendly frontend.

Tailwind CSS 💨: Style your application with ease using the Tailwind CSS utility framework.

TypeScript 🦾: Ensure type safety and code maintainability with TypeScript.

Radix UI 🌈: Utilize Radix UI's collection of accessible and unstyled UI components.

Sanity CMS 🦄: Manage your resume data with Sanity CMS, a user-friendly headless CMS.

Signal State Management 📡: Manage application state using Signal, a lightweight and performant state management library.

Eslint and Prettier ✨: Maintain code quality and consistency with Eslint and Prettier.

Getting Started 🚀 Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/Noble-Dev-Hub/Resume-Processor-Frontend

Install dependencies: npm install

Run the development server: npm run dev

Open the application in a web browser: http://localhost:3000

Contributing 👋 We welcome contributions to this project! Please read the contributing guidelines before submitting a pull request.

License ⚖️ This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Happy resume processing! 💼