
A special alarm clock app for my entry in the 2019 congressional app challenge.

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A special alarm clock app for my entry in the 2019 congressional app challenge.

What does this app do?

This app allows users to create several alarms at once within a short amount of time.

Did you win?

Sadly, no. However, I congratuate my fellow Neuqua Valley students Rahul Koul and Ibrahim Islam on their victory.


  • How did I hear about the congressional app challenge?
    • I am an officer in my school's coding club and while the teacher was just going over different STEM events she mentioned the app challenge and I looked at it and went "Why not give it a try?"
  • What is the app written in?
    • The app was made in JavaScript using Facebook's React Native framework.
  • Why did you use React Native?
    • I chose React Native because of it's ability to allow me to write the code once and have it be compiled to run on both Android and iOS. I also have a lot of JavaScript experience and didn't have the time to learn how to make an Android app in Java or Kotlin, or how to make an iOS app in Swift or Objective-C.
  • Why is it only available for Android?
    • I only have access to a Windows PC so I could only compile for Android. I also already had a Google Play Store developer license.
  • Why will it not work on iOS?
    • For the alarm clock feature I used a React Native module that is designed for Android only. If you try it on iOS it won't run the code for the alarm. The app is also untested on iOS and I am not able to see if any part of the app, besides the alarms, does not work. You can try to make it work if you want.

Compiling the app on your own.

  • I only have an Android version available on the releases page because I can't compile a version for iOS without a mac, which I don't have.
  • The app works in full screen on Android due to some Java code I added manually. To make the app full screen on iOS, you'll need to add the code to do so on your own.
  • The app also does not have support for iOS alarms. You will have to implement that manually.