
S3age - THREEjs Stage

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A stage container for THREEjs. Streamlines attaching a scene graph to a webgl context, so developers can scene.add after one line.


Check out the example branch and open the HTML pages in src/examples. For later textured examples, a server will be needed (eg python -m SimpleHTTPServer).

Adds a cube, adds a light, and moves the camera. Similar to hitting "Render" with a factory reset in Blender. The minimum possible custom scene.


Similar to the Trackball Controlls example, but drastically cleaned code and green trees. Heavily commented (probably overcommented).


Introduction to Scene graph. Organize code by extending Object3D with custom Domain classes. Convulve meshes.


Extend Forest classes. Adds physics simulations.


Presentation and overview of WebGL, Three.js, and these examples, originally prepared for an internal New York Times technology group.